David Hogg Promotes George Soros-Linked Group

Parkland gun control activist David Hogg is promoting an anti-Republican group founded  by a former Hillary Clinton staffer that has its parent company located at the same address as a George Soros-linked progressive group.

Here is Hogg promoting Town Hall Project, which aims to confront Republican lawmakers at town hall events:

Here is Hogg promoting a list of upcoming interruptions that Town Hall Project is planning:

What is Town Hall Project?

Joe Schoffstall reported: Jimmy Dahman, a former field organizer for the Clinton campaign in Iowa, founded the Town Hall Project. Dahman claimed on CNN that the town hall events are “all organic and happening at the grassroots level.”…The Town Hall Project’s parent company is The Action Network, which was involved in demonstrations against Walmart and the protests in Ferguson. The Action Network’s board of directors includes Mark Fleischman, a former vice president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU); Brian Young, who worked on campaigns for Howard Dean and John Kerry; Jeffrey Dugas, who worked for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress and Elizabeth Warren’s 2012 Senate campaign; and Rich Clayton, who worked for the SEIU and the shareholder activism arm of Change to Win, a labor group that describes itself as a “strategic organizing center.”

The Action Network is located at the same Washington, D.C., address as United We Dream, the “largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation.” United We Dream has received funding from liberal billionaire George Soros. It began organizing “sanctuary campus” anti-Trump protests shortly after the election.”

Schoffstall’s Excerpt ends

Big League Politics’ Luke Rohlfing reported:

A Sunday night Twitter post by David Hogg casts doubt that his Twitter account is actively managed by the student, and instead creates speculation that his liberal activist mother runs the page. The post tags Facebook, requesting they remove a fake account in his name, but the account that is shown logged in on Facebook in the top right corner is of his mother, Rebecca Boldrick.

The Tweet has been deleted, but Big League Politics has an exclusive screenshot of the Tweet.

Big League Politics broke the story showing that Hogg’s mother was a CNN VIP and vocal anti-Trump activist. Now it appears likely that Hogg’s mother has a much larger influence over the actions of the gun control activist’s public presence.

This also opens up the question of whether or not Boldrick is simply using her son’s newfound fame to promote her liberal agenda. The Twitter account, that now has over 400,000 followers has posted many non gun-related political Tweets in the past weeks.

During the union-led school strikes in West Virginia, Hogg posted a Tweet in support of the walkouts, which seemed odd for a High School Senior in Florida to have much of an opinion of…

…These Tweets, along with the Tweet showing Rebecca Boldrick’s Facebook profile in the corner opens questions about whether Hogg actually runs his own Twitter account, or if his mother is using if for her partisan political agenda.

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