Debra Messing Apologizes for Baking Vagina Cupcakes That Offended Trans People

A former star actress was goaded into an apology after baking cupcakes shaped like vaginas, which apparently offended the transgender community.

“Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet,” Debra Messing said in an Instagram post accompanying a photo of her vagina cupcakes.

Apparently, not all of her fans were amused by the way she celebrated the international day for women. So Messing did what one should never do for the social justice mob – she apologized.

Under the caption “ADDED,” the “Will & Grace” actress posted an update:

I want to apologize to my trans sisters. This photo was supposed to be light, & sassy. The first thing I thought when I saw this photo was “wow how wonderful.” Each one is unique in color and shape and size. The porn industry has perpetuated this myth of what a “beautiful” vagina looks like and as a result there are women who feel shame or insecure about the shape of the vulva. I loved that this picture said “every single one is beautiful and unique and that’s powerful.” I did not, however, think “but there are innumerable beautiful, unique and powerful women who don’t have a vagina.” And I SHOULD have. And for that I am so so sorry. Thank you for righting my wrong.

Biologically speaking, there are precisely zero women who do not have a vagina. But to the “party of science,” that small factoid is unmentionable.

Messing caved to the mob, and now that the mob knows that she’s a weak target, she’ll never be able to be politically correct enough.

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