DEEP STATE TAKES A KNEE: Brennan Supports NFL Protests

Big League Politics

Obama administration CIA director John Brennan has released a statement supporting NFL players who kneel during the playing of the national anthem.

“Taking a knee during the national anthem shows respect for the flag and for all those who fought and died for it and, at the same time, concern about problems within American society that need to be addressed,” said Brennan in a statement, for some reason.

“Pejorative and caustic comments about the practice show a disregard for one of the most important foundational principles of our great nation — freedom of expression — as well as ignorance of the corrosive impact of conscious and unconscious racial and class bias within our society,” Brennan said.

Big League Politics reported that Brennan and Obama administration director of national intelligence James Clapper set up a civilian phone-monitoring program during the Bush presidency that spied on Donald Trump, including at Trump Tower, according to NSA and CIA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who provided hard drives purporting to contain evidence of the scheme to the FBI.

Big League Politics reported that Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh, in an audiotaped phone conversation, accused Brennan and Clapper of pushing a phony Russian collusion narrative, invented by the intelligence agencies, to damage President Donald Trump.

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