Dem Congressman: ‘I Am Calling For A Total And Complete Shutdown Of Teenagers Wearing MAGA Hats’

Democrat congressman John Yarmuth from Kentucky, chairman of the House Budget Committee, joined in the national media and political-class pile-on of the Covington Catholic high school students after the viral video of their encounter with Native American activist Nathan Phillips at the March For Life. (READ: Nathan Phillips’ Activist and Music Video Background).

Phillips confronted the Catholic high school students, who were wearing MAGA hats at the pro-life march. Since the video, the kids in question have been vilified in the mainstream media, faced with the threat of expulsion, doxxed, and subjected to violent threats.

Nevertheless, Congressman Yarmuth — who hails from the very same state as the vilified students — felt the need Sunday to deliver an unfunny and horrifying denunciation of the teenagers, and tie it into the ongoing Democrat conflict with President Donald Trump by mimicking the president’s past statement on the travel ban:

Big League Politics’ Richard Moorhead reported:

After the individual seen smiling in the now-discredited Covington Catholic hate hoax was falsely identified and doxxed as ‘Michael Hodge’ on Saturday, a member of the actual Hodge family has stepped forward to describe an onslaught of death threats and abuse directed towards the Ohio family.

Contrary to claims circulated within the context of a left-wing witch hunt for the ‘smirker,’ Michael Hodge (another Covington Catholic student) wasn’t even at the event in which the confrontation between Covington Catholic students and Nathan Phillips occurred. The actual identity of the so-called smirker has been confirmed by Big League Politics, and we are declining to publish it on the basis of privacy concerns.

Andrew Hodge, who is Michael’s older brother, took to Twitter to describe a torrent of abuse directed towards the entire Hodge family from incensed progressives and liberals who had been falsely led to believe that Michael confronted and harassed Nathan Phillips.

In the tweet thread, Hodge describes threatening messages sent from anonymous parties informing Hodge family aunts and uncles that “they won’t be able to protect #MichaelHodge forever.”

Outraged progressives also had tried to orchestrate a slander campaign with the hopes of derailing Michael’s career goals, after finding out that Michael had been accepted to a culinary college with the hopes of becoming a professional chef. They sought to convince the institution to rescind his admission.

One can only be relieved that the attempt to destroy the life of an unrelated bystander- on charges that have been revealed to be manufactured and dishonest- seems to have failed in the long run. Let’s hope future targets of online left-wing mobs are spared from the same sort of personal and career destruction.


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