Democrats Block Voting to Stop Infanticide for the 6th Straight Time

Carrying on the refusal to make infanticide illegal, the House Democrats have blocked a voting on the matter yet again.
“This is the sixth time Congressional Democrats thwarted an attempt by Republicans to vote on a bill that would provide medical care and treatment for babies who provide survived failed abortions — six times in the House and once in the Senate,” according to Life News.
Rep. Tom Cole, Republican from Oklahoma, asked a vote be considered for the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, that would make infanticide illegal. Rep. Cole’s request for debate was quickly shot down, again. It is the sixth time this measure has been brought up.
ICYMI: Last night on the House floor, I asked for unanimous consent to bring up the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act for consideration and a vote. Unfortunately, Democrats opposed the opportunity to defend life.
— Rep. Tom Cole (@TomColeOK04) February 15, 2019
The current law, Born-Alive Infant Protection Act of 2002 defines children who survive abortions as “human beings”, “persons”, “individuals”, and “children” but does not specify what must medically be done to those who survive.
The proposed Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, would “prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.” Meaning, the infant would have to be rushed to a hospital after being born alive from a botched abortion.
The last attempt was brought from Indiana Representative Jackie Walorski who announced on Twitter she would propose the bill for the fifth time.
HAPPENING NOW: I’m leading a series of speeches on the House floor to call for protections for infants born alive after failed abortions. We must stand together against infanticide. Watch live on C-SPAN.
— Jackie Walorski (@RepWalorski) February 13, 2019
The bill has been proposed six times overall, five times in the House and Senate once – all being blocked by Democrats. Senator Patty Murray from Washington Tweeted out her support of infanticide as “women’s health and rights”.
Republicans scheduled a show vote on *another* bill attacking women’s rights & health—which leading medical groups have said should never become law. Democrats will stand w/ women, doctors, nurses, & everyone who truly cares about women’s health & rights & make sure it doesn't.
— Senator Patty Murray (@PattyMurray) February 15, 2019
“In the Democrat-controlled House, Rep. Ann Wagner and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise plan to file a discharge petition to force a vote, under which it will receive a vote regardless of leaders’ opposition if it gets the signatures of least 218 House members, a simple majority,” according to Life Site News.
Pro-life republicans are not likely to give up on the bill anytime soon, “If the Democrats object, we’ll ask again, and again and again because it is just right,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated.