Deported Rapist and Other Criminal Illegal Aliens Apprehended in Large Migrant Group Close to Border in West Texas

Border Patrol agents in the Big Bend Sector recently apprehended a large group of illegal aliens close to Alpine, Texas. Of the apprehended illegal aliens, several criminal aliens, who were previously deported, were among those caught by Border Patrol. These included a rapist who was previously deported and a drug trafficker.

On November 9, 2021, Alpine Station Border Patrol agents who were assigned to the Highway 118 immigration checkpoint saw a box-style cargo heading towards an inspection site. While the truck was going through the preliminary screening, a Border Patrol K-9 detected a suspicious odor, according to a report by Big Bend Sector officials. 

The agents directed the driver to a secondary inspection station where the cargo area was searched. In the search, agents found a false wall where a significant number of migrants were hidden behind the wall. 

The agents got 67 migrants out of this compartment. The 67 migrants hailed from countries such as El Salvador (3), Guatemala (19), Honduras (4), and Mexico (41).

According to officials’ report, two false sections were bolted to the truck, which made escape from the container in the case of a crash or abandoning the vehicle next to impossible. Four of the apprehended migrants were minors from the ages of 8 to 13. In addition, they found a 17-year-old unaccompanied minor.

“Immigration checkpoints are an essential tool in the U.S. Border Patrol’s mission to protect our nation’s borders,” Big Bend Sector Chief Patrol Agent Sean McGoffin declared in a written statement. “Transnational Criminal Organizations put profit over human life, often with devastating consequences.”

Following the border agent’s move to transport the 67 migrants to the Alpine Station for processing, the agents discovered that three of the migrants have criminal records in the U.S. and have been previously deported.

Chief McGoffin described one of the migrants as a convincted sex offender. According to criminal records, a California court in Santa Clara County convicted the migrants for Rape by Force/Fear and Obstruction/Resisting Officer in 2000. The man was sentenced to three years in prison and ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations officers deported him.

Bob Price of Breitbart News, noted that the convicted rapist is now facing federal felony charges for Re-Entry After Removal.

Further, the other criminal aliens were previously convicted for Possession with Intent to Distribute Dangerous Drugs and Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude, according to officials’ reports.

The driver of the box truck, an American national, was arrested and received charges connected to human smuggling. 

“That unscrupulous smugglers put lives in danger to support their criminal activity is reprehensible,” Taekuk Cho, Acting Special Agent in Charge for Homeland Security Investigations in El Paso, Texas, noted. “Homeland Security Investigations continues to collaborate with our law enforcement partners to prevent Transnational Criminal Organizations from putting greed and profit before human life.”

More cases like these will occur if America’s ruling class doesn’t get serious about immigration. The 2022 midterms offer a great chance for populists to make an emphatic case for immigration restriction. They should not waste it at all. 

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