WATCH Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Tries To SET UP Diamond and Silk On The House Floor

Diamond and Silk testified Thursday in Washington, D.C. that Mark Zuckerberg lied, because Facebook never reached out to them after their page was suspended.

Facebook claimed that it was in direct communication with Diamond and Silk, but that was not true.

“We have never heard from Facebook since April 5, when they deemed us unsafe to the community,” stated the witnesses.

Then Hakeem Jeffries pulled a dirty trick, trying to set up Diamond and Silk for perjury for saying they did not take money from the Trump campaign. He asked Diamond and Silk to acknowledge that their testimony was under oath, under penalty of perjury, BEFORE he read the FEC report.

It was an attempted setup!

Democrat Congressman Hakeem Jeffries alleged $1,274.94 on an FEC report that he presented.

Bad idea! Diamond and Silk came prepared.

Diamond and Silk Smacked Jeffries Down

“We are familiar with that particular lie. Fake News.”

“Nobody is lying, however, but there may have been a mistake from the Trump campaign. This is because we were asked to join the Women For Trump corps in 2016, and Ms. Laura Trump asked for our plane tickets to be re-imbursed when we flew from New York to Ohio,” stated the witnesses.

“I have evidence right here to substantiate what happened on September the eleventh,” with the flight.

“As an African-American, you are not going to make us feel guilty. Why are you as an African-American trying to make us feel guilty for monetizing our platforms?”

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