Don Jr. Calls For Jerry Nadler To Recuse Himself For Russia Ties

Don Jr Blasts Ralph Northam Infanticide

Don Trump Jr. stated that he believes Jerry Nadler should recuse himself from all investigations pertaining to Russia, after Nadler’s deep Russian ties were exposed. Nadler, the Democrat congressman, is leading the subpoena charge against President Trump in spite of national outrage over Nadler’s son’s work for Gibson Dunn, which is suing Trump on behalf of private clients — a clear and actionable conflict of interest.

Lachlan Markay reported: “As the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee goes all out in his investigation of President Donald Trump’s ties to Russian interests, one of his campaign consultants is working on behalf of a prominent employee of Russia’s foreign-propaganda apparatus.

Ezra Friedlander is a lobbyist and political consultant who runs outreach to the Orthodox Jewish community of behalf of New York Rep. Jerry Nadler’s campaign. He’s also a public-relations executive, and his newest client is the wife of Kirill Vyshinsky, the head of Russian media outlet RIA Novosti’s Ukrainian arm.”


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