Donald Trump Has Signed More Executive Actions In His First 100 Days Than Any President Since World War Two

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has signed 69 motions that count as executive actions — either as executive orders, presidential memorandums, or proclamations. With three more executive actions rolled out Wednesday, Trump now has the most executive actions of any president in his first 100 days since World War Two.
Wednesday’s three executive actions focused on knocking out government regulations on education and on the agricultural sector.
President Trump’s 69 executive actions have included building the wall, tearing apart President Obama’s Dodd-Frank law, and nullifying certain existing aspects of Obamacare to undermine the leverage of pro-Obamacare Democrats trying to keep their system in place. Trump’s second proposed Obamacare replacement bill — the “Opt Out” bill — has the support of the House Freedom Caucus.