Donna Brazile Flips On Hillary Days After Admitting Mueller Was Targeting Democrats

Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile, whom a private investigator named as a person of interest in the Seth Rich murder case, publicly flipped on Hillary Clinton Thursday in a surprising article for Politico.
Fox News’ Alex Pappas reports:
“The fix was in after all.
Last year’s presidential primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was rigged by the Democratic National Committee – just as Sanders’ supporters suspected – to hand the nomination to Clinton, according to a bombshell claim by Donna Brazile. The onetime Clinton confidante, CNN commentator and former interim party boss made the explosive claim Thursday while touting a new book that could sever her ties to Team Clinton for good.
“I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested,” Brazile wrote in a piece for Politico Magazine.
“By Sept. 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart,” Brazile said.
The proof, according to Brazile, was a joint fundraising agreement document between the DNC, the Hillary Victory Fund and Hillary for America. It had been signed in August 2015, four months after Clinton announced her candidacy and a year before she officially secured the nomination over Sanders.”
Brazile was so deep in Clinton’s pocket during the campaign that she actually fed Hillary Clinton a DNC debate question from inside CNN and proclaimed to a reporter, in her capacity as DNC boss, “I will cuss out the Sanders camp!”
So what changed?
Here’s Donna Brazile’s tweet from a week and a half ago:
Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta – NBC News
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) October 23, 2017
“In a series of text messages sent to Fox News reporter Malia Zimmerman by private investigator Rod Wheeler, he describes being “startled” by Donna Brazile, and states that her behavior “makes me think that Donna Brazile is in a category of persons of interest as it relates to the death of Seth Rich.”
The day before Fox News published their now-retracted story about Rich being the source of the Democratic National Committee emails released by WikiLeaks, Wheeler wrote to Zimmerman. Wheeler explained how Brazile had called the police department after he met with the lead detective on the case.
A “Key Communications Log” of detailed exchanges between Wheeler and Zimmerman was provided to Big League Politics by a person who wishes to remain anonymous at this time.”