Dr. Fauci Contradicts President Trump, Says Society Will Have to Adjust to ‘New Normal’ Following Pandemic

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has emerged as the prophet of doom during the coronavirus pandemic, is contradicting his boss President Donald Trump and telling Americans that normalcy will not be returning to society in the near future.
“No matter what phase you’re in there are certain fundamental things that we’ve done that are not like it was in September or October, you want to call it the “new normal,” you can all it whatever you want,” Fauci said during a press conference at the White House on Thursday.
Fauci, who has served as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director since 1984, warned that Americans would not be permitted to have large gatherings even after coronavirus rates decreased substantially.
“I think there will always have to be attention to making sure that we don’t do all that packing in together,” he advised.
Fauci did what he could to undermine President Trump during Thursday’s press conference. Trump made it clear that he wants American life to resume as quickly as possible, but Fauci made it clear that will not be happening.
“Our normal is if you have 100,000 people in an Alabama football game or 110,000 to be exact, we want 110,000 people there, we want every seat occupied. Normal isn’t going to be game with 50,000,” Trump said.
“There may be some setbacks,” Fauci said. “This is uncharted water. There may be some setbacks and we may have to pull back a little and then go forward.”
Fauci said that he believes that there could be a point when the American people may be able to get back to normalcy.
“We feel confident that sooner or later we will get to the point, hopefully sooner – with safety as the most important thing – to a point where we can get back to some form of normality,” Fauci said.
Fauci recently floated an idea for Americans to be forced to carry papers showing that they have immunity from coronavirus, with Americans being denied access to civil society unless they could provide appropriate documentation.
“That’s possible. It’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure we know who the vulnerable people are. This is something that’s being discussed, I think it might actually have some merit under certain circumstances,” Fauci said of the totalitarian idea.
Fauci, who is an avid supporter of Hillary Clinton, has emerged as the most dangerous authoritarian in all of Washington D.C. by using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to dominate the public spotlight.