Drunk Driving Illegal Charged In Crash That Killed Unborn Child, Injured Mother

An illegal alien was arrested and charged Saturday in connection with a three-car crash that he allegedly caused while drunk driving, injuring a pregnant mother and killing her unborn child.
“Bionel Cervin-Gomez was driving a GMC truck on Feb. 9 near U.S. Highway 17-92 and Shamrock Drive in Davenport when he struck two vehicles, according to the sheriff’s office,” according to The Orlando Sentinel.
“One of the vehicles, a Chevrolet Aveo, was driven by a 22-year-old woman who was eight months pregnant and had a 1-year-old girl riding in the backseat,” the report continued.
The woman was transported to a local hospital, where it was determined that the unborn child had died. Neither the woman nor the 1-year-old girl sustained serious injuries.
“After the crash, Cervin-Gomez fled the scene on foot,” the report said. “After his arrest, Cervin-Gomez told deputies he left the crash scene because he didn’t have a driver’s license.”
Cervin-Gomez, who is an illegal alien and had been previously deported back to Mexico in 2000, was charged with leaving the scene of a crash with great bodily injury and driving without a license, according to the report.
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has requested that a detainer be placed on Cervin-Gomez.
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