Elizabeth Warren Admits: Dem Primary Was Rigged Against Bernie

Elizabeth Warren, Facebook

Democratic senator and 2020 presidential aspirant Elizabeth Warren admitted Thursday that the Democratic primary was “rigged” against Bernie Sanders by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

Warren made the comment on Jake Tapper’s program.

Former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile finally admitted Thursday in an article for Politico magazine, timed to promote a forthcoming book, that the primary was indeed rigged against Sanders.

Brazile, who gave Clinton a CNN debate question and railed against the Sanders camp to a reporter, flipped on Clinton just days after she acknowledged that Robert Mueller is scrutinizing Democrats. Tony Podesta resigned from his lobbying firm the Podesta Group, a Democrat Washington powerhouse firm.

Warren has wavered between supporting Clinton and burnishing her progressive credentials with the base before a potential 2020 run.

A former top Wall Street executive recently confirmed longstanding rumors, saying that Warren is “very different” in person than she is on the campaign stump.

Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign manager Jeff Weaver recently conducted an exclusive interview with Big League Politics as he fights to reform the DNC nominating system.

“There are rules that, even if fairly applied, are used to keep people out,” Weaver told Big League Politics in an exclusive interview inside the DNC Unity Commission, which the Democratic Party convened in a lower-floor conference room at Washington’s ritzy Marriott Wardman Park hotel. Most of the discussions at the Unity Commission centered on how the Democratic Party can determine its own rights when it comes to picking its nominee rather than abiding by the will of the voters, and figuring out how to navigate “constitutional constraints” on its own authority.

“There are rules that allow campaigns to game the system rather than have the will of the voters represented,” Weaver said. “There were abuses in the process. Those have got to be addressed.”
Vanquished former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz infamously colluded against Sanders during the primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton, according to WikiLeaks revelations. But Weaver told Big League Politics that he is moving forward from the contention.

“I was never bitter. I am not a bitter person,” Weaver said. “Part of the mission of this reform commission is to open up the process to make sure that the will of the voters is expressed,” he said. Asked if Sanders will run again, Weaver remarked, “I think it’s too early to talk about that right now.”


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