Encrypted Messaging App Telegram Submits Private User Data to German Authorities

The social media app Telegram has been revealed as giving private user data over to German authorities in order for them to monitor alleged extremists.
The Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany has been using information given to them by Telegram in order to surveil certain targets. In addition, the Center for Monitoring, Analysis, and Strategy (CeMAS) is monitoring over 3,000 German-language groups and channels for potential “disinformation, antisemitism, and right-wing extremism.”
NEW – Telegram has released user data to the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany in several cases, Spiegel reports.
The NGO CeMAS monitors 3,000 German-language channels & groups for "disinformation, antisemitism, and right-wing extremism."https://t.co/ib75xumI7L
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) June 4, 2022
Telegram was founded as an app for encrypted messaging that developed into a social media provider expected to provide privacy for users. However, as it has gained market share, Telegram is becoming more and more like other restrictive monopoly tech providers.
Big League Politics reported on how Telegram recently caved to the globalist censorship agenda and ousted Russia Today from their platform:
“Russia Today (RT), a Kremlin-funded news network, has been banned from spreading its message on Telegram, the popular and growing encrypted messaging application that is ostensibly meant to protect freedom of speech.
Telegram caved after receiving pressure from the European Union to censor their content, which the globalist body claims is a haven for conspiracy theories undermining Ukrainian support in their current conflict with Russia.
“The rules are clear. There cannot be any circumvention,” said Věra Jourová, the European Commission’s vice president for values and transparency, to POLITICO.
“All actors should take their responsibilities. First, because it is the law in the EU. Second, everyone has understood what is at stake by now,” Jourová added, making the case for ubiquitous censorship of all non-globalist operations.
“We will not rest until everyone – including messenger services — take their responsibility in countering the Kremlin’s war propaganda,” Thierry Breton, the EU’s internal markets Commissioner, said in a statement of demands sent to Telegram.
While Telegram embraces censorship, an alt tech video platform – Rumble – is continuing to stream RT as they demonstrate their stalwart commitment to freedom of speech.
“The US mainstream media, as it so often does when writing about Rumble, has spent the day disseminating a completely false and misleading story about our relationship to the Russia-state news network RT,” a statement from the tech platform on Twitter reads.
“Contrary to false reports, RT did not join Rumble today or any time in the last several weeks,” the statement continues. “To the contrary, RT, like thousands of other users, has for a long while used Rumble, along with several other tech platforms, to publish their content.”‘
Telegram is risking losing its relevance and going the way of Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the rest of the big monopolies by refusing to protect the privacy of users.