Establishment Covers Up Obama’s Back Channel To Iran

Barack Obama, Facebook

General Michael Hayden (USAF Ret.), who served as CIA director and NSA director, told CNN that allegations published by the “Washington Post” proclaiming that Jared Kushner considered establishing a back channel line of communication with Russian officials before President Trump assumed office were unprecedented.

“This is off the map…I know of no other experience like this in our history, certainly within my life experience,” Hayden said.

General Hayden is certainly well aware of Barack Obama’s secret, off-the-books, pre-election diplomatic mission to the Iranian mullahs during which Obama’s emissary promised that Iran would receive a better deal than it might receive from the sitting president — George W. Bush. The Obama campaign’s message: the Islamic Republic would be far happier with Obama’s policies if it would wait until the election was over.

“What manner of ignorance, chaos, hubris, suspicion, contempt, would you have to have to think that doing this with the Russian ambassador was a good or an appropriate idea?,” Hayden said.

Senator Obama’s team set up the Iranian back channel not only before Barack Obama was sworn in as president, but before the 2008 election was even held.

Senator Obama’s team sent former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Green Miller to meet with Islamic regime officials inside Iran, circumventing NSA surveillance. In other words, the Obama campaign had its own private emissary on the ground inside Iran, secretly negotiating with a sworn enemy of the United States that was involved in a dispute.

General Hayden pretends to be oblivious of this pre-election Obama-Tehran communication arrangement. Why is General Hayden misrepresenting these facts to the American people?   Is this part of the ongoing “Deep State” seditious campaign to take down a duly elected president — Donald J. Trump?

President Obama would later repeat this scenario with another one of America’s major military adversaries when he was famously caught by a “hot mic” telling Russia’s President Dmitri Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” on missile defense after the 2012 election.

The Obama team’s back channel to Tehran was William Green Miller, the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton, according to Michael Ladeen writing for PJ Media in 2014.

Ladeen, who claims to have spoken to Ambassador Miller for his article “Obama’s Latest Big Lie: ‘We Have No Strategy,“ Ambassador Miller confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.”

Such conversations would have constituted a clear violation of the Logan Act. The “Washington Post” is now claiming Kushner could have been guilty of the same violation had he followed through with establishing a secret communication channel with Russia.

Ambassador Miller was appointed by President Clinton as ambassador to Ukraine after Miller’s decades-long absence from the State Department. Miller had years earlier left the State Department as a form of protest against the Vietnam War, according to an interview archived at the Library of Congress.

Miller, whose grandfather is from Ukraine, once expressed that he was so appalled by McCarthyism that he was fearful of a career in diplomacy.  Miller initially took the foreign service exam in 1955, but chose not to pursue a career with the State Department during the height of communist investigations at the House and Senate. Miller instead embarked on a doctoral journey at Harvard University.

“I did not want to go into the Foreign Service because of the taint of McCarthy.” – Ambassador William Green Miller.

In 1959, as the McCarthy era investigations were winding down, someone inside the State Department signaled to Miller that the time to join the State Department was now or never.

Like President Obama himself, who was mentored in Hawaii by suspected KGB officer and known CPUSA member Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s secret envoy to Iran, William Green Miller, was mentored by revolutionary marxist, communist labor organizer, and literary critic Frederick Wilcox Dupee. Dupee was an associate of Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers, who at one time worked for the GRU but eventually switched sides and became an anticommunist.

Like Frank Marshall Davis, Ambassador Miller’s mentor Dupee joined the CPUSA and handed out communist literature to the longshoremen’s union — Davis in Honolulu and Dupee in New York City, where Miller grew up. Davis and Dupee were fellow members of CPUSA’s League of American Writers.

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