EVIDENCE: Portland Police Association Blames Proud Boys For ANTIFA Violence Despite Video Showing Them 30 Minutes Away

The Portland Police Association released a public statement via Facebook placing equal blame on the Proud Boys and Antifa for the violence that left independent journalist Andy Ngo in the hospital with a brain hemorrhage despite video evidence showing the Proud Boys were at least a 30 minute walk away when the violence transpired.
Video and a march route provided to Big League Politics by Proud Boys Elder Joshua Hall reveals that the Proud Boys were at least a 30 minute walk away from the location where Ngo was attacked over the weekend, contradicting claims from the Portland Police Association that the organization was somehow implicated in the violence.
The official statement, posted to the Association’s Facebook Page, exlaimed that “It’s time for our Mayor to do two things: tell both ANTIFA and Proud Boys that our City will not accept violence in our City and remove the handcuffs from our officers and let them stop the violence through strong and swift enforcement action.”
It appears the Portland Police Association did, however, attempt to levy the majority of the blame against Antifa. The statement read, “If this violence had been directed at Antifa, there would have been an immediate call for an independent, outside investigation.”
However, in a statement sent to the Portland Police Association that was also provided to Big League Politics, Hall was incensed to see his organization blamed for violence when he says it could not geographically have been involved.
“The frivolous use of our organizations name to condemn violence that occurred over the weekend, is abhorrent,” wrote Hall. “However well intentioned and ‘balanced and unbiased’ as you’re attempting to appear.”
“This is anything but fair,” Hall added.
Hall also provided video of the Proud Boys marching across Tillikum Crossing Bridge in Portland, where the Proud Boys were at the time of the attack.
[bc_video video_id=”6054511345001″ account_id=”5766826440001″ player_id=”default” embed=”in-page” padding_top=”56%” autoplay=”” min_width=”0px” max_width=”640px” mute=”” width=”100%” height=”100%” ]
In his statement, Hall noted that he is the son and grandson of police officers, and was “appalled” to see the Portland Police Association’s attempt to “equalize” the blame.
As the son and grandson of former police officers as well as a former member of our armed services. I am not only appalled that you would use our fraternity as a scape goat to “equalize” the playing field. But, the lack of attention to your own departments short comings when it comes to addressing violence in your city.
Mayor or not, it is your departments duty to protect the citizens of your city and uphold the law. None, of which you did this weekend. While an openly gay, Asian journalist was assaulted and hospitalized. Where was Portland PD? When an elderly gentleman and the individual defending him were assaulted with crowbars, pipes, and sticks. Where was Portland PD?
Hall says he will continue to hold the Portland Police Association accountable, and plans to release additional updates via Twitter.
Big League Politics reached out to the Portland Police Association for comment and did not receive an immediate response.