Ex-Muslim Woman Warns: “Abdul El-Sayed Is Practicing Taqiya To Become Michigan Governor”

Farrah Prudence, an Ex-Muslim woman who was raised Muslim but chose to convert to Christianity after she fled her abusive Muslim father in Ohio is speaking out to warn the voters of Michigan about the creeping Sharia that is on their ballots this election cycle.
According to Prudence, who currently lives under protection due to the fact that she has a Fatwa over her head for being an apostate, Abdul El Sayed, a Sharia compliant Muslim man who is currently campaigning to become the next Governor of Michigan is “practicing Taqiya” in order to convince non-Muslims to vote for him.
In Islam, Taqiya is a component of Sharia Law that allows and encourages Muslims to lie to achieve their goals and spread Islam.
When asked whether or not El-Sayed was using Taqiya to appeal to non-Muslim voters, Prudence said, “Absolutely. The things that are told in front of non Muslims are not the same things that are shared inside the mosque.”
El-Sayed is not only a Sharia compliant Muslim, but he is a Democrat socialist running on a Marxist political platform as a self-proclaimed “justice Democrat”. Some of the campaign talking points El –Sayed is campaigning on include socialized healthcare, legalization of Marijuana, free college tuition, abortion, opposition to fossil fuels, pro-illegal immigration, and anti-Israel foreign policy. If elected Governor, El-Sayed has vowed to abolish ICE and make Michigan a Sanctuary state where illegal immigrants are protected from deportation and immune to the actions of law enforcement agencies.
Sayed, who is running on the Democrat ticket as a “Justice Democrat”, refused to answer questions about his personal practice of Sharia and how Islamic law contradicts key platform stances in the Democrat Party when he was confronted at a campaign event in Michigan last week.
El-Sayed practices Sharia law in his personal life, and has stated that his head touches the floor 34 times a day during his Islamic prayers. His true colors as a Muslim were revealed in May of 2018 while he was speaking to the Michigan Press Association at the Kellogg Center in East Lansing, Michigan. While speaking, El-Sayed yelled at Senator Patrick Colbeck and said, ““You may not hate Muslims, but ALL Muslims hate you”.
Colbeck is a Republican member of the Michigan Senate, and he is currently a Republican candidate running to become the next Governor of Michigan.
The fact that El-Sayed practices Sharia law means that the political talking points he has been campaigning on in Michigan are directly in contradiction with what he believes as a devout Muslim. El-Sayed’s practice of Sharia Law is not only exemplified through his religious behavior inside the mosque, but it is also seen through his appearance.
Prudence explained how El-Sayed’s wife is Sharia compliant in the way she wears her hijab, and how El-Sayed himself sports a Sharia beard.
Self admitted socialist Alexandira Ocasio-Cortez, and pro-Hamas Left-wing mouthpiece Linda Sarsour have been in Michigan campaigning for El-Sayed over the past few weeks, encouraging voters to vote more Muslim and socialist candidates into office across the country in 2018.
Michigan voters will have the choice to decide whether or not they want to be governed by a practicing Sharia compliant Muslim, or a principled American constitutionalist when they flock to the polls to vote in their primary on August 7th. WATCH: