Ex-NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre is Forced to Repay More Than $4 Million to NRA
On February 23, 2024, a Manhattan jury determined that former National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre is liable for corruption, and he was instructed to repay the gun rights organization north of four million dollars.
Per a FOX News report, a jury discovered that LaPierre “for three decades misspent millions of dollars of the group’s money on luxury personal purchases.” AFP highlighted that the jury found that LaPierre used the NRA as his “personal piggy bank,” which put the NRA on the hook for $5.4 million.
AFP called attention to how LaPierre has repaid $1 million of the $5.4 million.
LaPierre assumed his leadership role with the NRA in 1991 and stepped down from his position earlier in January. For the past few decades, the NRA has been a milquetoast gun lobby that has sold out gun owners when it comes to its activism and work in Congress.
It’s more concerned with trying to have a seat at the table as opposed to taking steps toward restoring the right to bear arms, much less downsizing the gun control regulatory state. LaPierre should ultimately be held accountable for the failures of his leadership. As supposedly the most pro-gun lobby in America, the NRA needs more competent and principled leadership at the top if it wants to remain a prominent pro-gun force in American politics.