Exclusive: Dr. Gorka tells BLP Trump is winning, Obamacare is the next ‘big muscle move’

A former deputy assistant for national security to President Donald J. Trump told Big League Politics that Americans can expect a continued commitment to keeping campaign promises, especially repealing Obamacare, from the Trump administration moving into the new year.
“He’s kept his promises, whether it’s removing us from the Paris Accord, whether it’s recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, whether it’s crushing ISIS,” said Sebastian L. Gorka, a leading defense expert, who has returned to the Washington-based The Institute of World Politics and he is the author of Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War. The world-renowned counter-terrorism expert spoke at the Student Action Summit on Thursday in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Gorka said that the Trump administration has driven a stake through the heart of President Barack H. Obama’s signature legislation by repealing the Obamacare individual mandate in recently-passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
“The national security agenda is going to continue with the stabilizing of threats to the United States, continuing the extreme vetting and immigration reform,” the British-born professor said.
.@SebGorka speaking truth about Mueller, Strzok, etc. The investigation is pretty much over, except some just won't admit it. pic.twitter.com/Ia5IIRoOCR #maga #tcot
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) December 20, 2017
Gorka said that there is still work to be done, such as the repeal of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. “The big muscle move, of course, for the next year after the tax reform is going to be Obamacare.”
Now, it is up to the GOP to step up to the plate for the president with a “repeal and replace” package that they have been promising for the last seven years, he said. “So, no big surprises, just keep on trucking.”
Ciara C. Carter, a student from New Mexico attending this year’s Turning Point USA convention, told BLP that she is glad Gorka talked about the impact of open borders on national and economic security. “I’d really love him to jump into strengthening the immigration laws, particularly on the southern border.”
Thomas M. Pastor, a student from Florida, said Gorka is right about Trump winning on his agenda. “I feel like Trump is already on such a great track in fulfilling the promises he made during his campaign.”