EXCLUSIVE: First Statement from The Remembrance Project on the Death of Mollie Tibbetts

Big League PoliticsĀ has exclusively received the first statement made by the Remembrance Project since the news of the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts at the hands of an illegal alien.

The statement by Maria Espinoza, National Director of The Remembrance Project follows:

Today, and forever, we honor, remember and mourn the death of Mollie Tibbetts, a typical American girl who dreamed of a wonderful life.Ā  We offer our sincerest condolences to her family for their loss.
Her brief life has been brutally stolen from her by an illegal alien trespasser who should never have been in our country to commit this most egregious crime.Ā  For 9 years, we at The Remembrance Project have been sounding the alarm all across America; in city halls, state houses, in Congress and yes, in private meetings with President Trump, that the border must be secured by any means necessary to protect our American families.Ā  We now know that Congress will not act to save the next innocent American, and because of their treason, the defense of our country now rests solely upon the shoulders of the man that God has sent us to save our Republic, President Donald J. Trump.
We now formally ask that President Trump, our Commander-in-Chief, immediately deploy U.S. troops to our southern border to protect our homeland from this most serious and deadly invasion. In addition, we implore him to re-double his enforcement efforts to cleanse the interior of America of the scourge of illegal aliens. Ā  But today, as we mourn Mollie, we must also prepare ourselves for many more future tragedies such as have befallen her, and the tens of thousands of other innocent Americans who have died at the hands of these illegal invaders.
Included with the statement is the following photo in remembrance of Mollie Tibbetts:
President Donald J. Trump works closely with the Remembrance Project to honor the families of those murdered by illegal aliens, and to push for legislative change to the ridiculous immigration policies that lead to such senseless tragedies.

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