EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s Daughter-in-Law’s Group Covered Up Their Lawyer Hitting on A Teen Boy In Courthouse Bathroom

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Joe Biden’s daughter-in-law Kathleen Biden operates a group called the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, which provides court-appointed legal counsel to children in divorce cases. Kathleen Biden is listed as a co-chair of the group in some materials and as director of strategic partnerships on the group’s website. Kathleen Biden’s lifelong friend founded the group, and Kathleen Biden has been involved with the group since its inception.
Kathleen Biden was married to Biden’s son Hunter Biden until 2017, and was married to him at the time of this incident. Joe Biden raises money for the group.
A lawyer for The DC Volunteer Lawyers Project was caught propositioning a male teenager in the bathroom of DC Superior Court, and the founder of the group covered it up before acknowledging wrongdoing and quietly terminating the man when forced to by a Washington newspaper editor who never ran the story.
Big League Politics has exclusively obtained court documents and emails showing both the incident and the cover-up. A witness speaks on the record with Big League Politics: her six-year old daughter was being represented by the man who committed the act in the courthouse bathroom.
Multiple eyewitnesses including the boy’s mother notified the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project. The group’s officials expressed that “they didn’t care” about it, according to the eyewitness account.
Time went by. After the local opinion editor for the Washington Examiner asked the group about it, a top official with the group stated that they were aware of the incident and they were dismissing the man for “inappropriate” conduct. The Washington Examiner never went to print on the story, but we have the never-before-seen emails.
The DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, the Biden Foundation, and the alleged perpetrator have all been sought for comment, and have had ample time to respond. The perpetrator now lives in Ohio, where he has been stripped of his law license for a separate incident.
The witness says she has faced retaliation for knowing that “this group had a bunch of perverts working in it.”
Biden delivered his famous 2013 “rape” speech, in which he said that women fear getting “raped again by the system” and referenced the movie “Deliverance,” at a fundraiser for the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, which has also hosted presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand.
Here is Vice President Biden speaking alongside his daughter-in-law Kathleen at a DC Volunteer Lawyers Project event in 2015:
Here is the witness statement
“There is a group called the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, which Kathleen Biden runs. They are supposedly volunteer attorneys but they hang out all over the courthouses.
They were appointed in my case — if you have a child in a custody battle, sometimes they appoint a “legal guardian,” which is really just somebody who milks you for all the money you have. It’s a big court scam and they do it for the elderly as well, so they can seize people’s property and money.
In June 2011, my ex-husband wanted to take homeschooling away from me, so we were having a hearing at DC Superior Court and James Marion Broadstone was one of the appointees for my child in the divorce. These people from the Volunteer Lawyers Project were just unbelievable.
My friend Victoria’s teenage son Jefferson was going to testify because he was homeschooled. While we were waiting outside of the court, James Marion Broadstone kept talking to Jefferson, who I think was 19 years old at the time, sort of flirting with him. The next thing we know, he followed Jefferson into the men’s room.
Broadstone said Jefferson was very good-looking and he could help him make good money from his looks, and he liked the “cut of his jib.”
He invited him to a party at his house in Annapolis and then uninvited him after he was fired. I think he was discussing being a prostitute.
Jefferson came out and told his mother Victoria what had happened. Then he went into the court to testify.
My friend Victoria was very upset. Jefferson was very upset. And we reported it to the company, the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, who are not volunteers. They are hiding millions of dollars in their IRS 990 forms and pretending to be volunteers.
We told Jenny Brody, who kept coming in and out of the case, and then Olivia C. Baker who was the other GAL on the case, and she wasn’t even a practicing attorney. They just didn’t care, they’re a sleazy group.
Here is a list of people who were notified of the incident:
Jenny Brody, founder of the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project and 2015 “Washingtonian of the Year”
Olivia C. Baker
Judge Jeanette Clark
Victoria Rose and Jefferson Rose
Dr. Harry Wachs and his wife Ruth
My former lawyer who is a real scumbag”
Witness statement ends
Here is the party invite that James Marion Broadstone gave to the teenage witness:
Here are the emails between the Washington Examiner and the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project
Several weeks later, a reporter for the Washington Examiner asked the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project about the boy’s experience. The DC Lawyers Project acknowledged wrongdoing on the part of the perpetrator.
Here is the definitive email, from Jenny Ann Brody on June 17, 2011 to Washington Examiner local opinion editor Barbara Hollingsworth, who never ran a story on the matter:
Dear Ms. Hollingsworth,
“I’m writing to follow up on our conversation yesterday morning concerning James Broadstone, an attorney serving as a pro bono (volunteer) Guardian Ad Litem for a child who is the subject of a contested custody case in DC Superior Court.
I have spoken with Mr. Broadstone as well as with another attorney who is co-Guardian Ad Litem and was with Mr. Broadstone in court on the day in question. (It is the policy of the DCVLP to always assign two attorneys to every case.) It is my understanding that Mr. Broadstone had several conversations with Victoria Rose, a witness for, and employee of, the mother in the case, and with Ms. Rose’s son, a recent high school graduate. My understanding is that Mr. Broadstone, Ms. Rose, and her son had discussions of a social nature, including about Ms. Rose’s son’s college plans. At the end of the hearing, Mr. Broadstone invited both Ms. Rose and her son to a social event he is planning.
It is the view of the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project (DCVLP) that, while Mr. Broadstone’s conduct was not a violation of any ethical rule, he nonetheless showed poor judgment as a GAL for proposing social contacts with a witness. For this reason, we have accepted Mr. Broadstone’s offer to resign as Guardian Ad Litem in this case, and will be filing appropriate documents to inform the court and parties of this fact. In addition, I note that Mr. Broadstone is not currently serving, and will not serve, as a volunteer on any other DCVLP cases. We are disappointed in this lapse in judgment, since, in the past, Mr. Broadstone has achieved excellent results on behalf of domestic violence survivors in other cases he has handled with our organization.
If you have any further questions about the incident concerning Mr. Broadstone, or about the DCVLP, please do not hesitate to contact me. You also may wish to review our website (www.dcvlp.org) to get a larger picture of our organization and its mission, which is to provide free legal services to low income clients in family law cases. The overwhelming majority of parties in family law cases in DC Superior Court lack legal representation, even though these cases affect important family relationships. The DCVLP recruits and trains volunteer attorneys to represent these clients. Our largest area of practice is representing domestic violence survivors in cases to obtain protection orders , and, in some cases, to obtain custody of their children. Our volunteers also serve as Guardians Ad Litem for children who are the subject of disputed custody cases. Our volunteer attorneys receive no payment for their services. Their work has helped to ensure the safety and stability of over three hundred women and children. In some cases, our volunteers have protected women and children who were in danger of serious injury or even death. We hold our attorneys to the highest standards of excellence, and I believe that the results of our work show that they achieve this standard.
One final point. We are very puzzled that Ms. Rose chose to contact a newspaper reporter to express her concerns in this case, rather than contacting the DCVLP directly. I note that Ms. Rose is employed by a party in this case. I also note that it is a violation of the Rules of Professional Responsibility for an attorney to make, or cause anyone else to make, statements to the media which may influence an ongoing case.
Thank you for bring this situation to our attention. Again, if you have any further questions, please call me, 301 379 1788.
Yours truly,
Jenny Brody,
Jenny Brody, Co-Executive Director
> DC Volunteer Lawyers Project
> 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440
> Washington, DC 20015…
> The DCVLP (CFC#34927, EIN #26-1089584) thanks Federal Government employees for giving generously during the 2010 campaign.
> DCVLP programs are made possible through the generous support of
> This message is from the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project and may contain information that is confidential or otherwise privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately advise the sender by reply e-mail that this message has been inadvertently transmitted to you, and then delete this e-mail from your system. Thank you for your cooperation.”
A tortious negligence complaint was filed in Superior Court of the District of Columbia and a judge crossed four courts to dismiss it, according to court documents.
Here is Joe Biden’s famous rape speech, which has been mostly scrubbed from the Internet, which he delivered at a May 2013 fundraiser for the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project.
“You’ll often hear men say, why don’t they just leave? I ask them, how many of them have seen the movie ‘Deliverance’? And every man will raise his hand. And I’ll say, what’s one scene you remember in ‘Deliverance’? And every man here knows exactly the scene I’m thinking of. After those guys tied that one guy to the tree and raped him, men raped him in the film, why didn’t that guy go to the sheriff?”
“Why wouldn’t you go the sheriff? The reason why is, they’re ashamed, embarrassed. Why do you think who get raped, so many don’t report it? They don’t want to get raped again by the system.”