EXCLUSIVE: Man Tricks University of North Carolina and Media Into Thinking A ‘KKK’ Rally Is Happening
A father of multiracial children tricked leftist professors and administration at the University Of North Carolina and also the mainstream media into believing that a white nationalist rally was taking place for his supposed group “Kool Kekistani Kids (KKK).”
The News & Observer in North Carolina reported: “Kevin Guskiewicz, dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, sent a message to deans and department chairs, saying word has spread that ‘individuals not affiliated with UNC-Chapel Hill’ are planning a ‘Rally for Nationalism.'”
“The groups belived to be planning an appearance are Kool Kekistani Kids (KKK) and Identity Evropa…” according to the News & Observer, which noted the concern surrounding the supposed ‘neo-Nazi’ rally.
But Kool Kekistani Kids does not actually exist. Borrowing its name from Kekistan, an online nation devoted to generally politically incorrect and anti-establishmentarian memes and thoughts, the “KKK” group was the invention of Kevin Cormier, a man with a Latina wife and multiracial children.
Cormier confirmed to Big League Politics that his “KKK” group is fictional, and that the university fell for it.
One professor who took the bait was Dwayne Dixon, the leftist cultural anthropology professor who admitted to chasing Charlottesville driver James Fields with a rifle shortly before the fatal crash at the Unite the Right protest last year.
From the News & Observer: “Dixon wrote that he received an email on Friday from a man named Kevin Cormier with the subject line, ‘Rally For Nationalism.’ ‘To protest the continuing employment of several radical left wing subversives by your department, my group (Kool Kekistani Kids) & Identity Evropa will be holding a rally this coming Wed. 21. outside your offices,’ according to the email he quoted. ‘The only way we will stop is if the department investigates Dwayne Dixon and all his known associates.'”
Dixon then reportedly fired off an email to fellow teachers saying “This is directly related to my activism in organizing and countering neo-fascist and white supremacists (sic) threats.”
Here is Dixon attacking a Big League Politics cameraman on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, when BLP asked him about his role in chasing driver James Fields with a rifle.