Exclusive–Pamela Geller talks to BLP about the ISIS plot to behead her, mysterious killer of two Fort Jackson recruits
The authoress of the new book Fatwa: Hunted in America told Big League Politics she is surprised there has been so little attention to the conviction Wednesday of a Massachusetts man, who swore allegiance to the Islamic State and plotted to behead her upon orders from his ISIS handler in Syria.
“What is astonishing is that there isn’t more general indignation in the mainstream media against someone who tried to kill me for exercising my freedom of speech,” said Pamela Geller, who posts news about radical Islam at her website The Geller Report.
“Instead, most Western media outlets have internalized the idea that the response to violent intimidation from Muslims is to do what they want, and conform our behavior to their sensibilities,” she said.
“That is the path of submission and subjugation. I refuse to take it. I detail what has happened to me as a result of this refusal in my book,” she said.
Although the case against David Wright and the rest of his cell goes back to February 2015, Geller said the FBI and Department of Justice have not kept her fully informed about the progress of the case or the investigation, which is the practice for targets of violence and terrorism cases.
“Aside from some perfunctory notices about trial hearings, they haven’t communicated with me at all,” she said.
Geller said she has been warning Americans about radical Islam, since just after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and she is overwhelmed by the reaction to her book. “People have been very happy that I am finally telling my story of my work for freedom over the last 15 years.”
In addition to her national book tour for Fatwa: Hunter in America, Geller is working on the story of the two Army recruits killed Oct. 6 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The soldiers were in formation, but the Army has not released any other information, except for the names of the dead soldiers, Pvt. Timothy Ashcraft and Pvt. Ethan Shrader, and the six wounded.
Military recruits in training are especially vulnerable in a formation, because all of their training at the time tells them to keep their eyes forward and not to move.
Big League Politics confirmed with Army public affairs at the post that because the matter was under investigation, the name of the driver or any other details has not been released–nearly two weeks after the incident.
Geller said she is intrigued by the mystery surrounding the truck’s driver.
“Authorities have been silent about this horror since it happened,” she said.
“Here is what we do know: ‘military vehicle ran into a formation of troops in a training area of the Army’s largest basic training center.’ That’s it,” she said.
“No news briefings have been held–this is the new template: wait weeks to reveal the motive in these mysterious attacks after everyone has moved on and doesn’t care.”