EXCLUSIVE: Soros-Funded Group Paying Bail Money For Arrestees Who Protest Kavanaugh

A nonprofit funded by leftist billionaire George Soros held a meeting in Washington, D.C. Wednesday night during which it distributed cash for bail to protestors who are wreaking havoc outside Senate offices on Thursday.

Michael Wille infiltrated the meeting held by the Center For Popular Democracy (CPD) at St. Stephen’s Church in D.C., where the group was planning a #StopKavanaugh protest against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“We met in their common room and were given instructions about what to do [Thursday], Wille told Big League Politics. According to Wille, about 50 or 60 people attended the meeting.

The group is planning on targeting the offices of Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Bob Corker (R-TN), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), all viewed as moderate Republicans who could flip on Kavanaugh and vote against him.

“They had us sign up to get arrested if we wanted to,” he said. “If we did they would give us $50 cash for bail. One $20 [bill] two $10 [bills] and two $5 [bills].”

Wille said that the protestors would earn $35 for being arrested in certain places deemed less important by CPD, and $50 for places that were deemed more important.

“They started out the meeting having us say our name and where we are from,” he told Big League Politics. “And then [there was] a lot of prep for today’s protest.”

He originally posted the following photo to his Twitter account. (The information he provided is not real).

Wille also provided Big League Politics with video from the event, where the group practiced chants that they would use at the protest:

[bc_video video_id=”5837644541001″ account_id=”5766826440001″ player_id=”default” embed=”in-page” padding_top=”56%” autoplay=”” min_width=”0px” max_width=”640px” mute=”” width=”100%” height=”100%”]

Wille said that he did not accept bail money from the group, and that protestors are required to return the cash if they are not arrested.

The Center for Popular Democracy is largely funded by Hungarian billionaire George Soros. The Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund, the sister group of the CPD, announced an $80 million campaign against Trump in May of 2017.

“George Soros is one of the largest funders to the CPD,” according to a report. “Soros provided the CPD with $130,000 from the Foundation to Promote Open Society in 2014 and $1,164,500 in 2015. Soros provided an additional $705,000 from the Open Society Policy Center in 2016.”

Once again, a foreign billionaire is interjecting in America’s democratic processes. Some might call that “meddling,” or a “threat to American independence.” For liberals, it is just another day of paid, professional protesting.

Wille has provided numerous updates of today’s protests via his Twitter account.

“Here we go. They are now intentionally sitting down and getting arrested. The police warned them twice to leave, but they are not dispersing. This is the point of today: Civil disobedience to try to ,” he tweeted at 10:43 AM.

“Here we go: arrest time for protestors from . Isn’t it great we live in a country where you can protest? Lol you’re still getting arrested though,” he said at 10:55 AM.

Follow Wille for live updates from the nation’s Capitol.

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