Experts Believe That 1.5 to 2.7 Million Illegal Aliens Could Vote in 2024 Elections

Experts project that anywhere between 1.5 million and 2.7 million illegal alien invaders are likely to vote in the 2024 elections.
The Biden regime has flooded the country with millions of illegal aliens thanks to it, porous border, security, and interior enforcement policies
.“A 2014 academic journal found that 6.4% of noncitizens voted in 2008,” Kerri Toloczko, executive director of Election Integrity Network and senior advisor to the Only Citizens Vote Coalition, said to the conservative media outlet The Washington Stand. “There are about 24 million noncitizens in the U.S. right now. If they voted only at the same rate of 6.4% this year as they did in 2008, they would account for 1.5 million votes.”
Because of lax border security measures and sketchy election integrity laws in certain states, more illegal aliens could be expected to vote in this election cycle
“Based on the increased noncitizen activity at state DMVs, and the work of left-wing voter registration activists, this 6.4% could be much higher than it was in 2008. We could be looking at over two million unlawful noncitizen votes,” she continued.
Back in June, the United States House of Representatives published a 22-page report highlighting illegal aliens voting in the US. Currently, 17 cities in California, Maryland, and Vermont in addition to the District of Columbia let non-citizens vote in elections. Although non-citizens are only supposed to vote in local elections, several irregularities have been reported.
Toloczko called attention to cases of foreigners on lawfully voting in American elections. “The federal government recently indicted a group of noncitizens from 15 different countries on federal voting charges. Texas recently purged 6,500 noncitizens from its voter rolls — 30% of whom had voting records,” Toloczko said.
Illegal immigration in the United States has gotten completely out of hand. According to research by Yale University, roughly between 16 million to 29 million illegal aliens reside in the United States. Mind you, these are figures projected before Joe Biden was installed in office towards the end of January 2021. These numbers will have likely ballooned after the Biden regime decided to leave the mass migration floodgates open.
Passing strong election integrity laws is not enough. As long as immigrants — both legal and illegal — are allowed to enter the US at will, elections in the US will be forever rigged in favor of the Democrat Party — the anti-white party. Now more than ever, immigration restriction measures must be implemented.