Facebook Pulls a Big Brother By Shutting Down a GOP Fundraising Page Before Georgia Runoffs

Zachary Stieber of the Epoch Times reported on January 2, 2020 that Facebook closed down a fundraising page for Georgia Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue a few days right before voters will determine the balance of the U.S. Senate on January 5, 2020.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is in charge of running the Georgia Battleground Fund. The GBF functions as a joint fundraising committee for the NRSC and the Loeffler and Perdue Senate campaigns.

According to a screenshot that the committee posted, Facebook informed them that the fundraising page was disabled “for policy violation.” The social media giant alleges that the page allegedly flouted a policy against unacceptable business practices.

“We don’t allow ads that promote products, services, schemes, or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to mislead or scam people out of money or personal information,” the alert noted.

Big Tech is at it again,” the NRSC noted in a statement.“This is unacceptable with only four days to Election Day.”

Facebook played damage control after a spokesperson said to news outlets that the disabling of the fundraising page’s functions was a “mistake.”

“An automated error caused this ad account to be disabled,” the spokesperson commented.“The account has since been restored.”

If Democrats win both of the runoffs, they will have de facto control of the Senate due to the fact that they hold the tie-breaking vote in Vice President Kamala Harris, who will act as the president of the Senate.

A Democrat victory will enable Big Tech to have more power and attack certain American rights such as the Second Amendment.

The ruling class is pulling all stops to make sure that Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff defeat Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. A Democrat victory will make the Left’s agenda much easier to implement.

Georgia voters should do everything possible to keep Democrats from winning these seats and then holding all Republicans’ feet to the fire by making sure they vote right on nationalist issues such as immigration restriction, foreign policy restraint, and putting the clamps on Big Tech.

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