FAIL: SPLC’s Biased Hit Piece Against Stephen Miller Demonstrates His ‘America First’ Patriotism

The discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published a hit piece against White House senior advisor Stephen Miller earlier today, attempting to malign the Jewish intellectual as a “white nationalist” for holding “America First” beliefs on immigration.
SPLC claims they received Miller’s emails from Katie McHugh, a turncoat conservative who sold her soul after she lacked the talent to find a writing job on the Right. McHugh and Miller regularly discussed stories when she wrote for Breitbart while he was an aide in the office of former Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL).
In one email, Miller links to VDare, a popular right-wing blog that supports President Trump’s border wall and other measures to defeat illegal immigration. The White House came under fire recently for linking to an article from VDare in one of their daily briefings.
Miller receives criticism from the SPLC for recommending a popular book, “The Camp of the Saints,” which the SPLC claims without merit is white supremacist propaganda. The book, written in 1973, is a speculative novel about the negative effects of mass third-world immigration. It has become re-popularized in recent years as its dystopian vision has become the inescapable reality throughout much of the West.
Other quotes from the SPLC hit-piece just showcase Miller’s brilliance in understanding the key issues of the day.
“It’s treated as organic. No mention of voluntary policy which can be shut off,” Miller said about the policy of importing third-world immigrants into the West.
“Have you thought about going to Amazon and finding the commie flags and then doing a story on that?” Miller asked McHugh following a media-generated hysteria against the Confederate flag.
“I think that would be a very big story. Reveals just the stunning corporate hypocrisy that defines our modern culture,” he added.
“When will the left be made to apologize for the blood on their hands supporting every commie regime since stalin?” Miller asked.
McHugh also relays an unverifiable anecdote of how Miller recommended an article to her from American Renaissance, a race-realist blog that is frequently denigrated as racist and white supremacist by the Left and the controlled Right.
“It was after lunchtime. I was sitting at my desk with my MacBook, and as Miller was speaking, I was looking away … to better concentrate on what he was saying,” McHugh said to the SPLC.
“Miller asked me if I had seen the recent ‘AmRen’ article about crime statistics and race. I responded in the affirmative because I had read it. Many of us [on the far right] had read it. I remember being struck by the way he called it ‘AmRen,’ the nickname,” she added.
The article also hysterically claims that Miller supports the eugenicist immigration policies of Adolf Hitler because he talked favorably of former President Calvin Coolidge and the Immigration Act of 1924.
“Coolidge shut down immigration. No one said he was violating the Statue of Liberty’s purpose,” Miller wrote.
“This would seem a good opportunity to remind people about the heritage established by Calvin Coolidge, which covers four decades of the 20th century,” he added.
The alleged "white nationalist" policies identified by the SPLC are, in order:
1) enforcing laws on the books;
2) a policy upheld by the Supreme Court in June 2018;
3) a policy created by an Obama appointed judge, Dolly Gee.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) November 12, 2019
The SPLC’s hit piece against Miller is a huge nothing burger. It only demonstrates that Miller is an intelligent and effective advocate against mass immigration, which is why he is being targeted by the liberal media right now.