FAKE NEWS: New York Times and Washington Post Sink to New Lows with False Reporting on Trump’s Transcript

The fake news is in maximum overdrive, as the New York Times and the Washington Post are printing extremely deceptive headlines on the front pages of their Thursday papers regarding the rough transcript released describing President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Times took the transcript out of context to make it look as damning against Trump as humanly possible, while running inaccurate sensationalist headlines to accompany the misleading excerpts.

In one headline article titled, “Witnesses Bolster Whistle-Blower Complaint,” the Times could only cite “potential presidential misconduct” that may have “created a national security risk.” They brought up this conjecture before noting the whistle-blower’s likely partisan political bias and the fact that the whistle-blower was “not in a position to directly listen to the call” before reporting it to authorities.

In another headline article titled, “President Denies Pressuring Leader of Ukraine to Investigate Biden,” the Times referred to the “favor” Trump asked of Zelensky in the lede without mentioning that it had to do with CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm that conducted the investigation into the DNC’s hacked servers without ever handing the servers over to the FBI. CrowdStrike was never even mentioned on the front page of the Times.

Shockingly, the Post was even more dishonest in their coverage of the transcript than the Times. The Bezos-funded lobbying rag mendaciously edited the transcript to make it look as if Trump’s “favor” pertained to Joe Biden instead of CrowdStrike. The headline, “Trump Offered Justice’s Aid for a Probe of Biden,” only added to the deception.

“President Trump repeatedly urged the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden, one of his chief political rivals, and offered to enlist the U.S. attorney general in that effort while dangling the possibility of inviting the foreign leader to the White House, according to the rough transcript of the call released Wednesday,” a falsified lede on today’s front page of the Post reads, according to a CNN reporter.

The actual transcript shows that President Trump did not dangle the possibility of inviting Zelensky to the White House. It was just a matter of scheduling an inevitable meeting between the two leaders who share exemplary relations.

“Whenever you would like to come to the White House, feel free to call. Give us a date and we’ll work that out. I look forward to seeing you,” Trump told Zelensky.

“I look forward to seeing you in Washington,” Trump added.

The fake news is attempting to crucify President Trump for being a skilled diplomat while excusing former Vice President Joe Biden’s corrupt actions even while he boasts about them publicly.

President Trump gave the fake news a fair warning on Wednesday that they should drop the nonsense about his dealings with the Ukrainians, or they would further bury themselves.

Unfortunately for the fake news, they never know when to stop. Their phony coverage of this non-scandal may be their biggest failure yet, and the Democrats – by launching an impeachment inquiry against Trump over it – will likely be joining them in the gutter.

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