Father Handcuffed, Arrested for Playing Tee Ball with Wife and Daughter in Public Park

Matt Mooney, a 33-year-old father and resident of Brighton, Colo., was accosted by police in a public park and restrained with handcuffs for playing tee ball with his wife and 6-year-old daughter on Sunday afternoon.
Mooney told his story to the FOX31 Problem Solvers and believes he is entitled to an apology because of the cruel mistreatment he received from these uniformed thugs on a coronavirus-enabled power trip.
He described the shocking and traumatizing ordeal that his young daughter was forced to go through because of the government overreach.
“She’s like, ‘Daddy, I don’t want you to get arrested.’ At this point I’m thinking, ‘There’s no way they’re going to arrest me, this is insane.’ I’m telling her, ‘Don’t worry, Daddy’s not going to get arrested. I’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t worry about it,’ and then they arrest me,” Mooney told FOX31.
Mooney refused to provide identification to law enforcement because he believed he was in compliance with the law. Former Brighton City Councilman Kirby Wallin recorded much of the incident on his cell phone camera.
“He’s being taken by the Brighton police for playing softball with his daughter in an empty park,” Wallin said.
Wallin does not believe that what law enforcement did to Mooney in front of his family was appropriate.
“I find it hard to believe with all the things going on in our communities, the only way to resolve a situation like this was to handcuff a father in front of his daughter,” he told FOX31.
Mooney noted that he and his family were in full compliance with the sign that was posted at Donelson Park, which said “Closed” but specified in small print that “in groups of no more than 4 persons, parks remain open for walking, hiking, biking, running and similar activities.” He is accusing the cops of violating the social distance orders by hassling him and humiliating him in front of his daughter.
“During the contact, none of the officers had masks on, none of them had gloves on, and they’re in my face handcuffing me, they’re touching me,” he said.
“If we’re going to go ahead and start arresting people for no reason in front of their 6-year-old daughter, you’re just going to cause more problems later on,” Mooney added.
The Brighton police have not taken responsibility for their heinous actions at the present time. They did release a vague statement on their Facebook page Sunday night though, which may or may not be referencing the incident.
“The Brighton Police Department is conducting an investigation into a situation that occurred late this afternoon at Donelson Park. This is an active investigation and so we are unable to provide additional information until the investigation is complete,” they wrote.
The Brighton police thus far have not returned media requests for comment. This is just the latest in a countless number of infringements with coronavirus hysteria used as the catalyst to sever core freedoms.