FBI Director Chris Way Admits Illegal Alien Terrorists Have Entered the US Through the Southern Border
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray admitted to elected officials on November 15, 2023 that illegal alien terrorists have arrived in the United States by penetrating the country’s southern border with Mexico.
At a House Homeland Security Committee hearing, Wray seemed to admit that illegal aliens on the federal government’s “Terrorist Watch List” are going into the American interior after arriving at the US’s southern border with Mexico.
Per Wray, the FBI has launched cases where agents are actively pursuing these illegal alien terrorists who are now roaming around the US.
John Binder of Breitbart News highlighted an exchange between Texas Congressman August Pfluger and Wray:
PFLUGER: Are there people that you are still searching for that we don’t know where they are in the United States? Of the known apprehensions … known or suspected terror people who match the Terror Watch List? Are you still searching for people in the United States who you know match the Terror Watch List?
WRAY: I’m not sure I can answer that here because it’s a constantly moving target.
PFLUGER: Director Wray, are there people who match the Terror Watch List who were apprehended by CBP that the FBI and other agencies are searching for in the United States?
WRAY: There are certainly individuals who are the subject of terrorism investigations that we are searching for, whether or not they are people who … I guess the distinction I’m drawing is that while there is obviously a lot of focus on the Watch List itself, one of the things … one of the areas that are a concern are individuals who once here, information later comes in that identifies them and those people–
PFLUGER: Are there people that you don’t where they are that the FBI is searching for today?
WRAY: Yes.
Wray’s admission came at a time when Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data revealed that border authorities encountered 13 illegal aliens on the Terrorist Watch List at the US’s border in October. Binder observed that this figure is “more than the total number apprehended from 2018 through 2020, when former President Donald Trump was in office.”
In a DHS memo released in October to little media coverage, it admitted that the threat of terrorism moving across the border is becoming a bigger issue for national security concerns. The officials added that they “expect continued high numbers of migrant encounters over the next year.”
Indeed, mass migration does potentially pose a threat to American national security. With the US creating so many enemies abroad through its reckless foreign policy and its maintenance of a loose border control policy, such threats will inevitably proliferate.
That’s why it’s so crucial that the US end its “Invade the World, Invite the World” policies. Such policy decisions will result in a less safe and demographically diluted polity.