Feminist SJW Politician Says Coronavirus is a ‘Gendered Crisis,’ Although Men Die At Over 2x The Rate as Women

An Australian politician has called the coronavirus pandemic a “gendered crisis,” arguing that the Chinese virus impacts women the most drastically despite the facts.

“COVID-19 is a gendered crisis. Nurses, nurse aides, teachers, child carers and early-childhood educators, aged-care workers and cleaners are mostly women,” wrote Australian Senator Mehreen Faruqi in a Twitter post.

“They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of being exposed to the virus,” she added.

Faruqi, a practitioner of Islam who describes herself as a proud feminist and Pakistani migrant, also posted a rant of herself whining on the Senate floor about how the coronavirus is sexist.

Even though Faruqi is complaining about women “on the frontline of this crisis,” the actual numbers show that it is men who are dying in disproportionate rates due to coronavirus.

The data shows that coronavirus is likely impacting men by at least a 2-to-1 margin rather than women:

More than 10,000 people have died from the novel coronavirus, with men seemingly hit harder by the virus than women, according to early data.

A study out of China involving 99 cases found that two-thirds of the patients who required hospitalization were male, while data out of Italy suggests 70 percent of the country’s COVID-19 fatalities involve men.

As of Friday, Italy’s case count had surpassed 41,000, with over 3,400 fatalities. The country, which has the second oldest population in the world behind Japan, has reported that 87 percent of fatalities involve citizens over 70. And overall, more than 70 percent of COVID-19 deaths have involved males, according to Istituto Superiore di Sanita, the country’s health agency.

“The honest truth is that today we don’t know why COVID-19 is more severe for men than women or why the magnitude of the difference is greater in Italy than China,” Sabra Klein, professor at Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, told The Hour. “What we do know is that in addition to older age, being male is a risk factor for severe outcome and the public should be made aware.”

Italy’s findings match those of the medical study on the 99 patients in China published in The Lancet on Jan. 30.

“It is an eye-catching discrepancy,” Anjana Ahuja, a science writer, said at the time. “A picture is emerging of the 2019-nCoV as a novel pathogen that disproportionately affects older men, particularly those with existing illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.”

Feminist social justice warriors like Faruqi will exploit any opportunity, even if it is an unprecedented public health care that has thrown the entire world into a mass panic, to push their bigoted anti-male agenda.

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