FLASHBACK: Pedo-Flix Released Trailer for ‘Big Mouth’ Pushing Masturbation, Pansexuality, Incest on Children

Recently, Big League Politics reported on Netflix’s intention to release “Cuties,” a movie about an 11-year-old girl discovering her femininity through twerking, on their platform.
This is part of a pattern of Netflix allowing content that sexualizes and exploits children on their streaming video platform. Another show, “Big Mouth,” is geared toward children and has become more foul and depraved with each season.
A trailer for the animated program posted by Netflix features children engaging in incest with crude references to masturbation:
The show is also mainstreaming the notion of pansexuality, which is a term for extreme promiscuousness, for children as well.
“Big Mouth” creator Nick Kroll revels in children watching his depraved show. He expressed his desire to reach kids during an interview with Kelly Clarkson earlier this year.
.@nickkroll On Children Watching @bigmouth: 'It's An Opportunity To Make Kids Not Feel So Alone'
WATCH: https://t.co/iDaRryS7cG#KellyClarksonShow pic.twitter.com/3C11KBjt2q
— The Kelly Clarkson Show (@KellyClarksonTV) February 20, 2020
“We are not just telling the story of two white straight boys, going through puberty. And really try to expand what puberty, adolescence, and development of human sexuality mean to different people,” Kroll said during an interview with Awards Daily published in June.
“Jay started as a magician kid who liked to have sex with his pillow, and by season three he is a boy trying to understand his bi-sexuality and where he falls in the spectrum of sexuality,” Kroll said about one of the main characters of his show.
“We have been trying to learn alongside our audience and society in general about how to talk about these different things. And have utilized a lot of experts in the field of adolescence and human development to talk through a lot of this stuff with, and that’s been really gratifying,” he added.
Big League Politics has reported on how so-called experts, perhaps similar to the ones who help Kroll and other Hollywood predators corrupt the souls of children, are laying the groundwork for the normalization of adult-child sexual relationships:
University of Texas at Austin professor Thomas Hubbard has been writing about the concept of “pederastic intimacy” in an attempt to rationalize child rape.
Hubbard has written that pederasty, or sexual relations between a man and a boy, was a “prominent social phenomenon in numerous ancient Greek cultures.” He claims that “contemporary American legislation premised on children’s incapacity to ‘consent’ to sexual relations stems from outmoded gender constructions and ideological preoccupations of the late Victorian and Progressive Era.”
His 22-page article, published in the academic journal Thymos, is titled “Sexual Consent and the Adolescent Male, or What Can We Learn From the Greeks.” It is little more than a thinly-veiled argument to legalize pedophilia and enable the victimization of young children.
Hubbard argues in his article that “where age discrepant relationships are commonplace and positively reinforced, they cause little or no long-term harm to the younger partner and often confer great benefit.”
He believes in lowering the age of consent first to grease the slippery slope toward the legalization of pedophilia. He says that America “should consider moving in the direction of what most European states do, which is to maintain an age of consent of 14 or 15.”
A student also claims that Hubbard made them “write a paper over lowering the age of consent and lowering the punishment for sexually assaulting a child under the age of 6.” Hubbard has been published by the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), an explicitly pro-pedophilia group.
Hubbard tepidly disavowed NAMBLA by saying that he does not “endorse NAMBLA’s idiosyncratic approach to legal reform” and does not “share the sexual orientation of its members.” However, from his literature, it seems as if Hubbard is extremely sympathetic to their pro-pedo point of view.
A spokesman for UT-Austin stands by Hubbard claiming that “the study of controversial and even offensive ideas is protected by the First Amendment—as is the right of others to strongly disagree with and draw attention to those ideas.”
Would the same standards that apply to pro-pedo scholarship still apply if a professor published controversial opinions on race, IQ, immigration, climate change or an issue that leftists do not approve of? Probably not.
Hubbard is far from alone in the academic world with his pedo advocacy. A movement of sympathy toward minor-attracted persons (MAPs) and so-called virtuous pedophiles has developed in recent years, bolstered by the advocacy of self-proclaimed proud Jewish homosexual Dr. James Cantor.
Netflix is truly living up to their “Pedo-Flix” nickname by producing trash like “Cuties” and “Big Mouth.”