Florida Dem Gov. Candidate Compares Ron DeSantis to Hitler
Florida Agricultural Commissioner and 2022 Democrat gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried hysterically compared Governor Ron DeSantis to Adolf Hitler in a recent interview with National Public Radio.
In an appearance on NPR’s Friday Roundup Podcast, co-host Melissa Ross asked Fried about her previous comments referring to Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) as an “authoritarian dictator.”
“He is doing everything possible to take power away from local governments, taking away people’s abilities to protest, making it harder to vote, talking about, you know, banning books,” Fried responded.
“That’s what dictators do. Instead of listening and trying to govern with the people, he is trying to govern over the people, and, you know, that, I’m sorry, I’m a student of history, too. I saw the rise of Hitler.”
Ross reportedly then interrupted Fried to ask if she was comparing DeSantis to Hitler.
“In a lot of ways, yes,” Fried answered. “I have studied Hitler and how he got to power, you know, wanting his own militia.”
Fried was referencing plans by Ron DeSantis to relaunch the Florida State Guard (FSG), a volunteer civilian military force that would support the National Guard in the event of a major disaster. Current plans for the FSG propose a $3.5 million budget for next year to start a force of 200 service members.
The Florida agricultural commissioner did acknowledge that DeSantis’ initiative to launch the FSG is fully constitutional, and is not without precedent given that Florida’s launch would make them the 23rd state to own such a force. However, Fried claimed the governor wants this militia in order to “make fear.”
“Absolutely, but the reason why this governor wants it is different than the other states that have been utilizing it for emergency purposes,” Fried said.
“This governor is doing it for the sole purposes of power and doing so to make fear and to instill that, to blame people for what is happening in their lives, blaming certain parts of our society and culture, and that’s exactly what Hitler did to the Jews back during World War II.”
“Do I think that we’re going to get to the extent of Hitler’s power?” she later clarified during the interview. “Of course not.”
Governor Ron Desantis is himself no fan of Fried, previously describing her as a “lockdown lobbyist.”
“Nikki Fried has done nothing in office. She does nothing. All she does is emote on social media, virtue signal to small-dollar donors in California and New York,” DeSantis said last summer.
“She would have had this business shuttered for the whole year. They would be out of business if Fried were governor. So she’s opposed us at every turn,” he continued:
“I’ve done more, I think, in my first week as governor than she has done in her entire time as agricultural commissioner,” he added, triggering a round of applause.
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