Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Permitless Carry Bill

On April 3, 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a permitless carry bill into law, which made the Sunshine State the 26th Constitutional Carry state in the nation. 

According to a Tampa Bay Times report, this new law goes into effect on July 1, 2023. Under this new legislation, law-abiding Floridians ages 21 and older are allowed to carry a handgun concealed for self-defense purposes without a permit.

John Velleco, Gun Owners of America’s Executive Vice President, issued a statement on Florida’s passage of Constitutional Carry: 

It was a pleasure to attend the signing ceremony with Governor DeSantis today in Tallahassee, and we commend him for pushing lawmakers to right this discriminatory wrong from the state’s past.

Luis Valdes, GOA’s Florida State Director, continued:  

This has been a long, hard-fought battle, and we are excited to get a victory over the finish line. Still however, senior GOP lawmakers have rebuffed our demands at every turn to enact open carry, which leaves Florida in very liberal company. GOA will continue our efforts to pressure state lawmakers to step up to the plate, build off this victory, and enact open carry. Keeping a policy on the books that was enacted at the behest of Janet Reno, which leaves us in the company of Illinois and New York, is something that every freedom lover should get behind.

AWR Hawkins of Breitbart News noted that there are 25 other states with Constitutional Carry:  

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Constitutional Carry is the most successful right-wing legislative project of the past three decades. Its success should be studied by the Right and applied for other single-issues ranging from immigration to cultural degeneracy. Not everything in American politics is gloom and doom. 

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