| On
Mar 31, 2022

FLORIDA: Registered Republicans Now Outnumber Democrats By Over 100,000

By Darian Douraghy

The sunshine state is facing a big red wave! Republican voters in the state of Florida are now outnumbering Democrats by a margin of 100,000 for the first time, Fox News reports.

This shift by the state began after the GOP overtook Democrats in voter registration around the end of 2021.

A spokesperson for DeSantis’ campaign told Fox News that the lead of registered Republicans vs Democrats in the state of Florida passed 101,000 as of Tuesday morning.

“There’s no beating around the fact this historic gain is because of Governor Ron DeSantis,” Florida Republican Party executive director Helen Aguirre Ferré said in a statement to Fox. “Florida voters are appreciative of the palpable sense of freedom he has created in our state.”

Ferré highlighted the arguably massive success of the governor’s tenure, pointing out that over 363,000 Floridians have registered as Republicans since 2018, the same year he assumed office.

“Unemployment is lower than the national average, our schools are open, there are no lockdowns, and there are no masks. Voters recognize the governor is a champion for families and businesses alike,” Aguirre Ferré continued. “Our voter registration numbers are impressive, but a 363,000 net change? That is unprecedented.”

Current trends of increasing GOP registration in Florida appear to be showing no signs of slowing down.

“When I got elected governor we had 280,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said in November 2021. “Today, and it will probably be fully publicized very soon, for the first time in the history of Florida we have overtaken Democrats. There are more registered Republicans in Florida than Democrats.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has consistently dominated news headlines since assuming office, especially attracting massive negative attention from hacks of the mainstream media who were angered by his refusal to follow much of the orthodoxy surrounding lockdowns and other draconian restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Big League Politics also covered DeSantis earlier this week after he mocked the opposition of his recently passed anti-grooming bill.

“If the people who held up degenerates like Harvey Weinstein up as exemplars and as heroes and all that, if those are the type of people who are opposing us on parents’ rights, I wear that like a badge of honor,” DeSantis said on Monday to roaring round of applause.

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