Florida Surgeon General Has Tweet Censored After Advising AGAINST Vaccine For Men 18-39: Says Florida ‘Will Not Be Silent On The Truth’

Twitter censored Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo for his guidance to men ages 18-39, telling them not to get the Covid-19 vaccine. 

He said that the jab was found to cause an 84% increase in death for that age group.

Per Ladapo: the vaccine leads to an “increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39.” Florida “will not be silent on the truth,” he said.

The controversial tweet was removed by Twitter early Sunday morning “for violating the platform’s rules.”

It reappeared “a little before noon” on the same day per The Post Millennial. Likely due to immense public backlash.

This announcement from Florida about the mRNA vaccine was made public by Ladapo on Friday of last week. His published guidance “recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old.” 

In a statement, Ladapo said that “Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health. Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.”

More from the Post Millennial:

The Florida Department of Health released the findings of a self-controlled case series which they used to evaluate the safety of the Covid vaccines, which “studied mortality risk following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.”

It found that “there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.”

The findings also showed that “Males over the age of 60 had a 10% increased risk of cardiac-related death within 28 days of mRNA vaccination,” and that “Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks among any population.

As mentioned, there was a lot of backlash over Ladapo’s originally censored tweet. With many claiming that Twitter’s move was in direct defiance of “the science.”

Users also highlighted that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, has been allowed to remain on Twitter after saying the COVID-19 vaccine is 100% effective.

Others were quick to point out that if the Florida Surgeon General can be censored for so-called “misinformation,” what else are these social media platforms covering up? Surely it seems to be anyone who goes against vaccines and their efficiency.

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