Following Trump’s Warning, Justice for Jan. 6 Rally Fizzles Out in Washington D.C.

The Justice for Jan. 6 rally, which was used as an excuse for the Biden regime and the Capitol Police gestapo to lockdown the Capitol once again, is largely unattended, with media and police standing around with only a handful of protesters.

Some early scenes from the rally can be viewed here:

Previously, President Donald Trump had warned against attending the rally because of the possibility it could turn into another event that the Democrats and media could seize upon to demonize right-wing patriots and push for a crackdown against civil liberties.

Big League Politics reported about Trump’s comments in the days leading up to the rally:

President Donald Trump is suspicious of a planned protest outside the US Capitol in support of political prisoners charged with crimes stemming from the riot at the Capitol in January, according to reporting from the New York Times.

Trump views the protest, scheduled for Saturday, as a “setup” designed to funnel Trump supporters and conservatives into criminal prosecution. Sources close to the President have communicated his skepticism of the questionable protest event to several media outlets. President Trump believes the rally will be used by the media to create lies intended to embarrass America First supporters and the MAGA movement.

Several demonstrators who did little more than enter the US Capitol building without authorization on January 6th remained jail on dubious criminal charges, a point of contention the rally organizers seek to bring attention to.

It’s unclear how a rally at the site the Capitol riot occurred is going to aid or assist political prisoners. The Capitol police have restored walls around the building in the advance of the rally, a questionable security decision for an event that experts forecast won’t draw more than a thousand people.

An organizer of the September 18th rally has discouraged attendees from wearing clothing affiliated with Trump, bringing weapons, or acting unlawfully. In any event, the rally stands to be used as a de facto Reichstag fire for corporate media to propagandize for the criminalization of dissent and fearmonger about fictional “insurrection” attempts.

The media set the stage for this rally to be used as another example of “right-wing extremism” that the deep state and other China-owned interests claim is a more pressing threat than Islamic terrorism:

While the cause of achieving justice for Jan. 6 protesters is incredibly noble and event organizers may have had the best of intentions in setting up this rally, the atmosphere within the country has made this sort of rally untenable at the present time.

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