Former Deputy National Security Adviser Says Deep State Will Rig 2024 Election, Like They Did in 2020

Former Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland believes the federal deep state will rig the 2024 presidential election, similar to what they did in 2020.
“We now have black-and-white evidence that the FBI interfered in the 2016 election. When they failed to elect Hillary Clinton, they set out to destroy the Trump administration,” McFarland said during an interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business.
She called out the FBI, the DOJ and the CIA as deep state agencies that will be particularly important for enforcing the upcoming steal.
“We now have black-and-white evidence that the FBI interfered in the 2016 election. When they failed to elect Hillary Clinton, they set out to destroy the Trump administration,” McFarland said.
“Go back to 2020. This time, the CIA got involved in the election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation,” she continued.
“So they’ve gotten away with it for two elections. They will surely try and get away with it in 2024, right? Because there are no consequences… There is now hard evidence that there was election interference by the U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice,” McFarland added.
McFarland believes that these agencies will not allow for the opportunity for a Republican to get back in power in which they might be investigated and held accountable for their treasonous acts. This means the steal is all but a certainty.
“Those individuals must be terrified that a Republican president comes in with a Republican Attorney General, investigates them, and charges them with all of the crimes they have committed over the last eight years. Take it to the bank. They will absolutely interfere in 2024,” she said.
“These people are selling us out. Not only to foreign leaders, but they are interfering in our elections. They are tearing up the Constitution… This is just a gut punch to the American people,” McFarland added.
The interview can be seen here:
K. T. McFarland, a former Deputy National Security Advisor, says the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA will rig the 2024 U.S. presidential election, following their success in rigging 2016 and 2020, because they won't allow any candidate to win that would hold them accountable:…
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) May 21, 2023
In 2020, the presidential election was blatantly stolen, all evidence was suppressed, all investigations were quashed, and then the guilty parties went to the media to pat themselves on the back for a job well done after the criminal act was successfully completed.
Time Magazine admitted that “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information” in 2020 but that the perpetrators of this conspiracy “were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”
Expect a whole lot more of this “fortifying” to come in 2024 and beyond, with America now being an occupied nation under a coup regime.