Former FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith Gets Probation for FISA Warrant Fraud, Russia-gate Probe Ends with Nobody in Jail

Former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith has been sentenced to 12 months of probation and 400 hours of community service after pleading guilty to tampering with an email that was used to get a FISA secret court warrant to spy on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Clinesmith pleaded guilty in August to “one count of making a false statement within both the jurisdiction of the executive branch and judicial branch of the U.S. government, an offense that carries a maximum term of imprisonment of five years and a fine of up to $250,000.” The courts let him off without the prison time.

No more indictments are expected as the Biden regime will shutter the investigation into Russia-gate. U.S. Attorney John Durham slow rolled the investigation at the behest of Attorney General Bill Barr to protect the deep state from any real culpability.

The reality is starting to set in for conservatives that they have been duped, and there will be no accountability for the illegal spying operation put into place against President Trump by holdovers from the Obama/Biden regime.

“If you look at the wrongdoing, the abuse of power that has taken place, people will feel very unsatisfied if only Clinesmith is charged,” said Curt Levey, who is president of the Committee for Justice.

“There are certainly people who should be held accountable and go to jail,” he added.

While some still hold out hope for Durham to charge Russia-gate conspirators, it has been obvious that his investigation was a sham for quite some time.

Big League Politics reported last year on how it was obvious that Durham and Barr were stalling in the lead-up to the presidential election, running out the clock in a deliberate fashion while duping Trump’s supporters:

Trump supporters are waiting with baited breath for U.S. Attorney John Durham to come out with his explosive findings in regards to his investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion probe against President Trump.

According to Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton, Trump supporters are getting taken for a ride. Fitton said during a recent appearance on Fox Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight” that Barr and Durham are making no progress on investigating what very well may be the worst criminal conspiracy in U.S. history.

“You know, my concern is it’s been, what, sixteen-plus months since Durham was appointed and only now is he questioning Mr. Brennan,” Fitton said.

Fitton said that he is inclined to believe disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan when he says that he is not a person of interest in Durham’s investigation.

“I don’t see grand juries operating. I don’t see a bunch of witnesses coming in. I don’t see lawyers complaining about their clients being brought in before Durham,” Fitton said.

He said that the Mueller investigation was run much more thoroughly than Durham’s so-called investigation, the goal of which appears to be protecting the deep state.

“You know when the government is being pressure on witnesses and subjects and that is not evident here,” Fitton said, adding that it is his opinion that Durham is “not doing the work” needed to bring deep state criminals to justice.

Fitton did not object to Dobbs’ characterization that he is calling the Durham a “sham.”

“I’ll have to tell you. I’m a little concerned that the FBI is no longer an investigative agency because if this is the way they operate, it’s going to take them decades to deal with anything of real complexity,” Dobbs said.

“Well, [FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith] wasn’t arrested but they managed to arrest Stephen Bannon. The comparison and contrasting to me is just remarkable,” Fitton responded.

The levels of corruption are reaching Biblical levels in America, and traitors feel emboldened to commit intolerable acts against the American people in broad daylight. This is globalism. This is the Orwellian nightmare, and the situation will be worsening drastically under President-imposed Biden.

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