Former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour Arrested For Gun At Airport

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Former Mississippi Republican governor Haley Barbour was arrested last week for trying to bring a loaded gun through the airport in Jackson, Mississippi.

The Hattiesburg Patriot broke the story Tuesday, confirming that Barbour was caught by airport police but still boarded his flight after he posted bond for his crime.

Here is the Department of Homeland Security email obtained by the Patriot confirming the details of Barbour’s arrest:

“From: Farbstein, Lisa <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Date: Wednesday, Jan 24, 2018, 11:32 AM
To: Koshetz, Sari <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: More info on the JAN gun including a photo

.38 caliber revolver loaded with five bullets and here is the photo of the gun.

The former governor was arrested by airport police, posted bond, and was able to catch his flight.

Lisa Farbstein
Acting Director of Media Relations and Press Secretary
Office of Public Affairs
Transportation Security Administration
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>”

Barbour, a longtime Washington lobbyist, headed the Republican National Committee in the 1990’s and served eight years in the governorship from 2004 to 2012.

The Barbour family is popularly associated with southern machine politics, with Haley Barbour ruling over an establishment that went to war against insurgent Senate candidate Chris McDaniel in 2014 when McDaniel challenged incumbent Republican Thad Cochran.

Barbour faces $13,000 in fines for his firearm arrest.


Big League Politics called Barbour’s Washington lobbying firm BGR Group, but the governor did not come to the phone and a spokesman for the firm said the governor had not been arrested on a gun charge.

Two hours later, the BGR spokesman BLP called back to confirm that the governor had been arrested and he apologized for not knowing the facts before he dismissed the report.

Barbour is a founding partner of BGR Group and currently leads its advocacy and coalitions team.

Neil McCabe contributed to this report.

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