Fort Worth Boasts About LGBTQ Inclusiveness Rating
The city of Fort Worth recently received a perfect score from the pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign’s Municipality Equality Index.
In a press release, the city bragged about receiving a perfect rating from the pro-LGBT organization for the eighth straight year.
The Municipality Equality Index is run by the Human Rights Campaign, which has resisted efforts to protect children from gender mutilation and “examines how inclusive municipal laws, policies, and services are of LGBTQ+ people who live and work there.”
Cities are given ratings based on their non-discrimination laws, how friendly municipalities are towards hiring LGBT candidates, municipal services, law enforcement, and leadership on LGBT equality issues.
Texas Scorecard reported that “Fort Worth currently has a Department of Diversity and Inclusion, which was created in 2019 after a 2018 report by the city’s Task Force on Race and Culture.” The department has the aim of getting rid of “racial, ethnic, and gender disparities in criminal justice, economic development, education, governance, health, housing, and transportation.”
On top of that, the Fort Worth Police Department has an LGBT liaison.
Back in May, Mayor Parker seemingly endorsed LGBT and sexual deviance ideologies by promoting the Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge. If a child finished the challenge to read books filled with LGBT content, they would be awarded a badge entitled “Pride.” Parker ultimately took down the badge from the challenge after several residents made complaints
Four other cities in Texas received perfect scores from this pro-degeneracy organization — Arlington, Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio.
Fort Worth has traditionally been one of the most conservative major cities in Texas and the rest of the US. However, in recent years, thanks to changing demographics and the cultural Left’s takeover of virtually all institutions, otherwise conservative cities like Fort Worth are now being taken over by the Left.
If the Right isn’t willing to use hard power in these cases to stave off the Left, the latter will completely swallow the former.