Free Tommy Robinson Petition Closes In On 500k Signatures

The petition urging British prime minister Theresa May is closing in on 500,000 signatures, its stated goal.

At its current pace, the petition should hit its half-million goal on Tuesday.


Big League Politics reported:

One of Britain’s most high-profile political activists was arrested outside the Leeds Crown Court in Yorkshire, England on Friday, setting the internet ablaze while a reporting ban barred British journalists from publishing about the event.

“Tommy Robinson, Founder of English Defence League, was arrested outside a court while filming as members of an alleged Muslim grooming gang reported to court for trial,” Big League Politics reported. “‘Grooming gangs’ as they are called in England are nothing more than child sex trafficking rings.”

Robinson was arrested on “suspicion of breaching the peace,” but jailed for contempt of court, another crime entirely. The tyrannical policy allows British police to arrest a suspect “on suspicion of” a crime, hold the suspect for up to 48 hours, and then charge the suspect with any crime, related or not to the arrest. In Britain, probable cause is unrelated to an eventual criminal charge.

The small distinction makes all the difference. The American justice system prosecutes crimes, not people. In Britain the policy is “show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” Stalin, famous for that quote, would surely be proud.

But Robinson’s arrest and subsequent criminal charge is not the only tyranny being perpetrated against the British citizenry. The press is barred from reporting on the grooming trial. The official explanation for the reporting ban is that it assures that a jury will not be prejudiced by reading about the ongoing trial online.

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