French Pop Star Releases Pro-Yellow Vest Music Video

French Pop Star Pro Yellow Vest Song

French pop star Marguerite released her new song “The Good Guys, The Bad Guys”, a satirical take on the media’s portrayal of the Yellow Vest Movement in France.

Featuring lyrics critical of the media, fuel prices, bankers, and the political elite, French singer Marguerite’s new song has become the famous among the Yellow Vest movement worldwide.

In French, Marguerite’s song uses the juxtaposition of good and bad characteristics, as portrayed by the media, to expose the struggles of the Yellow Vest protesters compared to those of the the French elite. The video features French men, women, and children dancing to the song in yellow vests, as the singer points out the startling differences between the protesters, who enjoy nearly universal support among the French public but are derided by the media, and the French politicians and bankers who find themselves defended by the media and despised by the French public.

“Who travels by Taxi? The good guys. Who pays for their own fuel? The bad guys,” the song starts, “Who blabbers on LCI? The good guys. Who are the angry rednecks? The bad guys.”

Marguerite also names Harvard, Rothschild, Wall Street, and “successful hippies” as part of the media-portrayed “good guys”, who want to maintain the status quo of the European Union at any cost.

French media, quick to discredit the singer and distract from the message of the artist, claimed there were anti-Semitic undertones throughout the song, and swiftly pointed out conservative positions the singer endorsed in the past.

Nouvel L’Obs reported that Marguerite previously endorsed traditional marriage and an end to abortion:

But if she was not previously involved in the movement of “yellow vests”, the preferences of her private Facebook account can nevertheless locate some of his sympathies: for example the community “No to abortion” or the very ” pro-life “Jérôme-Lejeune Foundation, close to La Manif for All. 

Marguerite also appears in 2014 in the music video of an anti-Marriage for All song, entitled “Watcher I’m here” (at 1’00 “and 2’20”). Its author, Philip Ariño, a conservative activist and homosexual Catholic, made himself known in the media during the debates on the Taubira law, for his controversial essays on the links between homosexuality and Christian faith. In the video, he appears holding a sign “Abrogation of the homo marriage, abrogation of the Pacs, no to the rights of the homos and the heteros”, return to the rights of the man! 

The singer responded to accusations of anti-Semitism on her Facebook account, telling critics that “Anti-Semitism is a feeling of hatred that is perfectly foreign to me.”

The success of the song, nearly 500,000 views on YouTube and 1.2 million views on Facebook, would seem to indicate that the global left is losing their battle to brand the Yellow Vests as a dangerous, violent movement, and the greater culture war.

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