“Gender is Over,” 13-Year-Old “Gender-Creative” Boy Announces to the World
CJ Duron is a 13-year-old boy who claims to be “gender-creative.” Tuesday morning he declared once and for all that “gender is over.”
In a video tweeted by PinkNews, Duron says his “gender identity is male” but his “gender expression is female,” something he has ostensibly known his “whole life.”
“We don’t really need [gender], it’s kind of unnecessary now,” Duron proclaimed to the world.
Duron then goes on to describe his experience as the youngest “grand marshal” of the Orange County Pride Parade, calling it “really magical” and “like a dream.”
Watch for yourself:
CJ is 13-years-old and thinks that 'gender is over’ pic.twitter.com/gcE09Qp4xg
— PinkNews (@PinkNews) October 27, 2020
The sexualization of children is a despicable phenomenon in contemporary Western culture. The acceptance of so-called “LGBT rights,” the unconstitutional bench-legislated enactment of national gay marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges, and sex-ed classes at early ages all play a role in its development. We are intellectually, morally, and spiritually rotting our children and therefore the future of our society.