Georgia College Students Ignore COVID-19 Hysteria, Throw Large Party Before the School Year

Students at the University of North Georgia (UNG) are refusing to succumb to the mass hysteria from the COVID-19 pandemic. They held a large party last week that has caused the alarmists to become unhinged.

Video from the party, which appears to be completely or mostly outdoors, can be seen here:

The same type of commentators who give Black Lives Matter rioters a pass when they gather en masse to destroy cities want these kids to be punished for daring to live their lives.

“The first day of classes at..University of North Georgia begins on already proving to be a COVID nightmare..before Day 1..There’s massive far as the eye can see, one’s distanced and no one’s wearing masks,” wrote Rutgers professor Richard E. Ebright in a Tweet.

“It is a choice dear students. You can have in-person classes, or you can have parties. You can’t have both. The choice is yours,” wrote University of Arkansas associate professor Stephen Caldwell in a Tweet.

The UNG’s executive director of communications, Sylvia Carson, is placating the fears of the cowards concerned because these young people had a good time.

“We are disappointed that many of our students chose to ignore COVID-19 public health guidance by congregating in a large group without social distancing or face coverings,” Carson said in a statement.

“The University of North Georgia continues to emphasize to our students and university community that everyone has an individual responsibility both on and off campus to follow guidance from the Georgia Department of Public Health and the CDC to prevent the spread of the virus,” she added.

This comes amidst the backdrop of a nationwide push to stop students from returning to school. Liberal activists are pushing fear propaganda relentlessly in an attempt to prevent pupils from returning to class.

Big League Politics reported on how one deranged liberal snowflake faked the death of a phony Twitter account to place the blame on a university for not using proper COVID-19 safety precautions:

Last week, BethAnn McLaughlin, who founded the group MeTooSTEM, announced that one of her colleagues had died.

McLaughlin posted a sob story on Twitter that a friend, @Sciencing_Bi, had died of COVID-19, and it likely happened because she was forced to teach in the classroom.

“She was a fierce protector of people,” McLaughlin wrote on her account, which is now suspended. “No one has ever had my back like that.”

@Sciencing_Bi had gained a large Twitter following by playing the victim and claiming they were assaulted by several men in her field while working at Arizona State University. She claimed that she contracted COVID-19 because of the school’s policies.

“ASU kept teachers, staff and students on campus until April. That’s well after we knew this was a killer disease. Many got COVID. Including me,” the Twitter account wrote.

“Please read her timeline,” McLaughlin wrote on Twitter. “Campus closed and she was in the hospital a week later. Be mad about COVID but be more mad that BIPOC community is most vulnerable and underrepresented on campus. We are killing them.”

McLaughlin even went as far to suggest that she had relations with @Sciencing_Bi, writing: “Looking at her side of the bed and crying. Just a lot of crying. I literally can do nothing.”

However, there was one major problem with McLaughlin’s story: @Sciencing_Bi was a fake account and not an actual person. ASU discovered that it was a hoax after looking into the matter.

“Unfortunately, this appears to be a hoax. We looked into this over the weekend and were unable to verify any connection with the university. We were in touch with several deans and faculty members and no one was able to identify the account or who might be behind it,” ASU said in a statement.

“Some of the past commentary this person posted was questionable, such as teaching in April. ASU transitioned to fully remote teaching in March. The person also mentioned salary reductions. We have not implemented any salary reductions here,” they added.

McLaughlin downplayed her role in the hoax after it was found out, but she is widely believed to be behind the phony account.

The party by the Georgia students shows that the effects of the media propaganda are starting to wear off. Americans want to enjoy their freedom, not be ruled over by a cabal of power-hungry scientific “experts.”

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