Georgia Declares Feb. 23 ‘Armaud Arbery Day’, Honoring the Serial Burglar and Fake Jogger

The GOP-dominated state legislature of Georgia has named Feb. 23 “Armaud Arbery Day,” honoring the fake jogger who was shot dead after fleeing a robbery scene and trying to wrestle a gun away from a man attempting a citizens’ arrest.
State Rep. Sandra Scott, a Democrat from Clayton County, introduced the measure. Cowardly Republicans went along with it, and now another thug will be deified as America falls to diversity and multiculturalism.
“Mr. Arbery was a loving son, brother of Jasmine Arbery, uncle, grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend who left an impact on countless Georgians and Americans,” the resolution reads, adding that Arbery was “a compassionate and generous man” who “will long be remembered for his love of family and community.”
Of course, the text of the resolution is laughable, low IQ drivel. Key evidence was banned from the Arbery murder trial that would have driven a stake through the phony media-generated narrative about the delinquent.
Big League Politics reported about how a judge banned evidence from being presented in the trial of Arbery’s history of posing as a jogger to commit robberies:
“A Georgia circuit court judge has determined that Armaud Arbery’s history of posing as a jogger in order to commit robberies will not be allowed to be presented at his murder trial.
Judge Timothy Walmsley said that the “just a jogger” libel created by the fake news media and Black Lives Matter hoaxsters must be protected because presentation of the facts might “lead the jury to believe that although Arbery did not apparently commit any felony that day, he may pose future dangerousness in that he would eventually commit more alleged crimes, and therefore, the Defendants’ actions were somehow justified.”
“The character of victim is neither relevant nor admissible in murder trial,” the judge declared in his ruling Monday.
Big League Politics has reported on how Arbery was known around the community as “the jogger” because he would pose as a jogger and then attempt robberies, which he was caught in the act of perpetrating on at least several occasions.
Court documents in the murder trial of Travis and Greg McMichael indicate that Arbery was known as the “jogger” because he regularly acted like he was on a run as he committed robberies through town…
“In 2019 and 2020, local convenience store witness interviews reveal Mr. Arbery became known as “the jogger” for his repeated conduct and behavior of running up, stretching in front in, and then entering several convenience stores where he would grab items and run out before he could be caught,” the court documents read.“
All authentic American heroes will be destroyed and replaced with the likes of Arbery. This is how nations are ruined. Cultural Marxism 101.