German Authorities Pepper Spray 4-Year-Old Child at Protest Against Vaccine Mandates

A video of German authorities hitting an innocent 4-year-old child with pepper spray at a protest against vaccine mandates is rapidly going viral, showing the cruelty of the technocracy that is rising across the world due to the never-ending COVID-19 pandemic.

The aftermath of the incident can be viewed here:

After her child was abused by German police, the mother will face a tribunal over child endangerment due to authorities abusing the youngster.

Police union boss Oliver Malchow blamed the victim publicly, chiding the mother after her kid endured these psychotic measures of Orwellian brutality. He had the audacity to claim she and other protesters are using their children “as protective shields against police measures.”

“’These mothers and fathers accept that their child will get into a violent confrontation,” Malchow said to the Rheinische Post newspaper.

Malchow told protesters that more punishment is on the way if they do not obey police commands to stay in their quartered free speech zones.

“People are more and more frustrated, the longer the corona issue simmers. Unfortunately, there is no end to these conflicts in sight,” he said.

“I can only appeal to those who want to demonstrate peacefully against the compulsory vaccination: Go to registered demonstrations and do not allow yourself to be instrumentalized by extremists,” Malchow added.

Eight people were arrested during the demonstration with an additional 44 individuals being brought up on charges for their participation in the rally.

Big League Politics has reported on the mounting restrictions in Germany as the vaccine regime fails to reduce COVID case totals:

It was just the end of last month when Big League Politics last covered Germany back when the nation was considering expanding their already largely segregated society and taking it beyond just a local level. In many parts of the nation, only those who are jabbed, called “geimpft” in German, are able to normally participate in society while the rest are treated as outcasts. Sound familiar at all?

Unvaccinated people across Germany will soon be excluded from the vast majority of stores, restaurants, sports facilities, and cultural venues on a nationwide basis, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced Thursday, and parliament will consider an even wider-reaching nationwide forced Covid-19 jab campaign to further compel those who dissent.

Merkel announced the measures after a meeting with federal and state leaders, claiming the steps are necessary to address concerns that hospitals could become overloaded with patients suffering from COVID-19 infections. The Chancellor appeared to offer zero evidence of this supposed threat of a hospital bed shortage.

“The situation in our country is serious,” Merkel reportedly told reporters in Berlin, calling the measures an “act of national solidarity.”

In addition to the lockdown, officials agreed on a nationwide requirement to force masks and new limits on private meetings as well.

Authorities in Germany also planned to fire staff in hospitals and nursing homes who do not take the Covid-19 shots. This plan to severely reduce medical staff comes in spite of continued repeated fears of pandemic-related ‘hospital bed shortages’ repeated both by Merkel and many other world leaders.

The even more contentious idea of imposing a general nationwide inoculation mandate was also proposed by Merkel and could take effect as soon as early February.”

The enforcers of COVID tyranny will not hesitate to make examples of children on the road to full subservience. This is the essence of the New World Order.

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