Glenn Beck On GOP Leader Mandate Ending Pledge: ‘Save Our Rights Or Get Out!’

Conservative commentator and Blaze Media owner Glenn Beck said Wednesday that he will no longer support or vote for politicians in the Republican Party who do not take a hardline stance against draconian inoculation orders and other Covid-19 related mandates.

Beck shared an online post on Twitter featuring a letter addressing the matter to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnel and House minority leader Kevin McCarthy. The letter, signed by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, and Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas), and about 40-something other members of Congress informed the political animals that the signees will refuse to fund any level of government that continues to allow the enforcement of Covid-19 jab mandates.

Conservatives backing the effort to vote against funding the government should it continue the Covid-19 inoculation mandates hope to force a shutdown; the thinking is that such a move could ultimately pressure other D.C. politicians to drop the draconian orders once and for all.

“Every single @GOPLeader member should be signing this,” wrote Beck. “If you can’t vote against government mandates, than you are not qualified to represent the conservative Americans that are screaming for help. Save our rights or get out! We will vote you out!”

Included in the social media post shared by Beck was an image of the full aftermentioned letter, which has been reproduced below for your viewing convenience:

Dear Leaders McCarthy & McConnell,

After February 18, 2022, government funding will expire and congressional Republicans must once again decide whether they will vote to fund a federal government that is enforcing tyrannical COVID-19 vaccine mandates on the American people.

The Biden administration has unilaterally imposed five separate COVID-19 vaccine mandates, four of which continue to directly impact millions of Americans. Medical workers, men and women in uniform, federal employees, and federal contractors could face termination if they do not receive a COVID-19 vaccine – even though evidence shows these vaccines do not prevent the spread of the virus. Moreover, myriad municipalities and states that directly benefit from federal funding have imposed similar mandates. This includes Washington, D.C., the American people’s capital city, over which the Constitution grants Congress the complete authority to “exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever.”

Congressional Republicans cannot continue to abdicate their Article I duties in hopes the judicial branch will rule in favor of the American people. Therefore, we the undersigned refuse to consider supporting any federal government funding vehicle, be it a continuing resolution or an omnibus appropriations measure, that funds the enforcement of COVID-19 vaccine mandates at any level of government.


Letter to Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell

Beck, who has for a long time been a staunch opponent of the mainstream media narrative surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, stormed headlines last December after he dropped a massive bombshell on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” about a recently unearthed partnership between Moderna and the National Institutes of Health. The agreement surrounded the development of an mRNA coronavirus vaccine – months before the declared beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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