Globalist Liz Truss is Named New Conservative Party Leader in Britain, Will Be New Prime Minister

Globalist Liz Truss has been named the new leader of the Tories (Conservative Party) in Britain, easily defeating her rivals. She will supplant Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister.

This is bad news for British patriots. Truss boasts deep ties to the World Economic Forum and has spoken at their Davos conflab. Up to this point, she opposes the cashless society but that might change after the next plandemic or global emergency.

Additionally, Truss campaigned against the Brexit, arguing that Britain should be subjugated beneath the European Union. She has also supported the green energy agenda that is crippling Europe and leading to high gas prices as well as open border insanity that is making Britain less safe and changing the nation’s demographics.

Former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage says that Truss will be the reincarnation of Theresa May, the former Conservative Party leader who was forced out as prime minister in disgrace while blubbering like a little baby.

“I think the Conservative Party are making a dreadful mistake. I think it’s Theresa May two-point-zero… ‘Yes, she was a Remainer, but It’ll be OK’: No, it won’t be OK and I don’t think she can connect with the Red Wall,” Farage said about Truss in July.

Big League Politics has reported on Boris Johnson failing miserably as PM as the Tories do nothing to stop Britain’s downslide into globalism and despotism:

United Kingdom prime minister Boris Johnson is the world’s most unpopular leader, according to a Morning Consult poll, after selling out to the globalists and endorsing Draconian COVID-19 policies.

The poll, based on data collected between January 13-19, 2022, shows Johnson having a woeful 26 percent approval rating with a 69 percent disapproval rating. The second least popular leader in the world is French President Emmanuel Macron, whose approval rating is at 34 percent and disapproval rating is at 59 percent. Macron has also embraced COVID-19 tyranny, resulting in widespread protests across the nation…

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