Google’s Featured Result For ‘Ten Commandments’ Only Mentions ‘The Quran’

UPDATE: Since the publication of this article, Google’s Featured Result for “Ten Commandments” has changed, and no longer refers only to the Quran. This victory can be credited to the numerous readers who contacted Google and expressed outrage at the Quran-based definition that Google was using prior to this report.

Original report below

Google’s featured result for the search “Ten Commandments” only makes reference to “The ten commandments mentioned in the Quran,” not the Bible.

Multiple searches for the term conducted late Friday night and early Saturday morning all pulled up the same Featured result at the top of the Google search page, which reads as follows:


“The ten commandments mentioned in the Quran can be summarized as:
  • Thou shalt worship no other gods with God.
  • Thou shalt honor thy parents.
  • Thou shalt not kill your children.
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  • Thou shalt not kill.
  • Thou shalt not steal.
  • Thou shalt measure with full justice.
  • Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

The Featured Result then includes the Wikipedia link for “Ten Commandments.”

This is what Google refers to as a “Featured Snippet in Search,” which the company describes as “When a user asks a question in Google Search, we might show a search result in a special featured snippet block at the top of the search results page. This featured snippet block includes a summary of the answer, extracted from a webpage, plus a link to the page, the page title and URL…”

Google states that “Like all search results, featured snippets reflect the views or opinion of the site from which we extract the snippet, not that of Google. We are always working to improve our ability to detect the most useful snippet, so the results you see may change over time.”

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